Details to 24in4 process

  1. The 24in4 software was developed over three decades by one person who now needs an adminstrative/management staff to share the benefits of the tools of timism for better democracy, capitalism and morality. To this end, the Long-Term rights are defined in National, State and District rights. Each time an employer uses JobTime the average fee of $500 will be divided 25%/25%/50% to the national, state and district rights holders--see Profit Sharing as well as rewards. Signup is free until 1,000,000 accounts are processed. Thereafter, signup costs one hour of one's wages. Price of solutions is better democracy and capitalism ... if you are on facebook as a friend, please befriend better democracy and capitalism by signing up as a friend of both at 24in4.
  2. After LBO/IPO, each recruited account as part of the first 1,000,000 accounts is worth five lifehour credits with decrease of lifehour rewards of one per each additional million accounts until no lifehour awards are given after five million signed up accounts. The early birds get the worms. Likewise, loan refinance rates are based on this categorization, lower refinance rates--FIFO.
  3. You do not have to be a student, teacher, staff or alumni of the institution to vote for the institution of your choice. If I lived near one of above institutions, I would want it to have the rights and lifehour credits. More importantly, I would want the benefits of the software as an active part of our daily policy-making. I would want to promote the Primary Moral Imperative, 24in4, etc. This is a chance to vote for "the best government is the least government only if we better self-govern" and "when politicians make good policies then the polity in the polis will be polite without police." We need zero-cost primaries, regional presidential primaries and citizen legislation which brainbees will make possible.
  4. Reason for public universities rather than private: Geographically and demographically more diverse and distributed with greater incentive to see the success of 24in4. Individuals associated with private schools can sign up at either free or fee webpages depending on account tally.