Reference links of explanation at\TmOrgHtm\Petitions\HelperOfPlebiscite.htm

Dear fellow educators,

I would like your assistance in my becoming a "Plebisciter" which will give us the following benefits, specific and general.


  1. The school and I will receive approximately $18,000 if my name it on the November 2015 General Election ballot.
  2. If elected, both the school and I will receive a further $18,000.
  3. The school district will be a recipient of an amount equal to the total of any successful Plebisciters within the district.
  4. Global Homesteading: You can claim an office within the developing Timism network to promote the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on earth from climate chaos--see Super Brainbee/Homesteading.


  1. A one-time refinancing of all loans(student, car, credit, home, etc.) into zero-interest, inflation-adjusted "lifehour" loans with profit-sharing payback. The latter means that you will be allowed a cost of living deduction from your take-home pay with half of the remaining disposable income repaying your jumbo bundled loan.
  2. Establish a flipflop 4-day workweek for educators: MTWT....TWTF..MTWT....TWTF in which teachers have two four-day weekends each month as well as numerous classroom assistants and tutors.
  3. For more information, see the bottom links.

As a Plebisciter, I will only participate in the passage of the Plebiscite. If elected without a majority of Plebisciters, I will resign after being swon-in. If Plesciters are a majority then during the holidays, I will participate in refining the 3-Part Roadmap legislature so that after being quickly passed into law, I will resign so as to not interfere with my professional career.

If you want the benefits of the 3-Part Roadmap, you need to take an hour to collect 12 signatures from your neighbors so I can get on the ballot in November--be sure to sign one line yourself as well as get the signature of each registered voter in your family. If each employee of our school collects a signature petition, I will have more than the minimum to get on the ballot: House(125) and Senate(250)--a 50% surplus is suggested to be on the safe side.


  1. By law, you must be a registered voter living in the district and witness each signature.
  2. Bring the completed petitions to school on Monday, June 8, for notarization unless you are finished by Saturday when you can take it by your bank for notarization.
  3. On Tuesday, June 9, I will deliver the petitions to the Registrars office if I have enough signatures.

If enough educators get on the ballot, a education-focused General Assembly will make better the lives of all in our community.

I hope you will help.


Your Principal

P.S. If you get a membership and collect 12 signatures then you can pursue Global Homesteading.