Cashflow... Caveats ... Homestead(2015 Virginia $0.73 * 2016 Any Office) ... Media ... Plebiscite ... PR Campaign ... Principals (Email * Helpers * TTD) ... Signup $1.19 ... Superintendents/VEA

School Superintendents and VEA

School Superintendents should email their principals to make an independent decision on becoming Plebiscite candidates. The VEC should email its members to encourage and to assist the principals.

Something will be grossly wrong if out of almost 2000 principals there will not be Plebiscite candidates for 140 state legislative office when it costs less than $2  ($1.19 plus $0.73) and $1000's are offered as a reward. More importantly are the goals of the Plebiscite loan refinancing, less crime and better healthcare, all of which will eventually result in the Flipflop 4-day workweek for educators

The blame for failure will rest with school superintendents and the Virginia Education Association. And, if they fail, they will not be allowed to have the benefits of Timism at the gene pool level.

On a positive note, each district is rewarded with an amount of lifehour warrants equal to those earned by principals within the district. The VEA would be rewarded with a bonus equal to all the individuals if the the Plebiscite is enacted into law--a projected $2.5 million.


  1. Instead of merely having an annual state teachers convention, Virginia can have a Educators General Assembly which will pass the Plebiscite.
  2. You may find this difficult in the present political climate. So, kick the can down the road. Email your principals and ask for their feedback as well as encourage them to take a freehand to respond as they think best for students, school and Virginia.
  3. Why does each year find senior citizens more reluctant to vote increased taxes for education? 401ks. In 1980, the average 65-year old had almost $300,000 in defined corporate retirement benefits. Today, the average 65-year old has around $80k which is about $35k in 1980s dollars. Retirees are worried about food and survival compared to their parents. 401ks are not only the biggest bank robbery in history, but the habitual politicians made them legal. If we have an Educators' General Assembly, we can in Virginia set examples for the nation to save more than education. If you think it is bad now, wait till you retire unless we solve habitual problems by replacing habitual politicians.
  4. 529s are a ponzi scheme which is a not only a tax on the middle-class but a cause of hyper-inflation educational costs. The rich get to go to college at decades-old tuition costs while the middle-class has to make up lost tutition. The middle-class pays the cost of administering 529s. The middle-class kids will pay the deferred taxes embodied in the national debt as higher payroll taxes or economic collapse. As lotteries are taxes on those who don't know math 529s are taxes on the middle-class who igknow math. Can you add unneeded middle-man bureaucracy to any service without the overall cost going up? The middle-class fell for a salt-water solution: Drink now, thirst more. It is bucket economies. The rich offered tablespoons instead of teaspoons to the middle-class while replacing their table-spoons with scoops with the middle-class wondering why the bucket runs dry sooner.
  5. If you like the rising cost of special needs, you should support the Dominion gas pipeline from Pennsylvania which will increase atmospheric CO2 with a worsening AlphaTrifecta: Autism, ADHD and Alzheimers. With the latter, you won't worry about the former.
  6. On one weekend day--June 6--Virginia Educators can create a new force for better public policy-making. D-Day, June 6, 2015, can be better Democracy Day.