Dear President Trible,

In my near-half century of paying more attention to politics than the average citizen, two people stand out as modern day Cincinnatus: James Abourezk and you. While they did not retire because of the Washington cesspool, I also admire Paul Wellstone and J. Sargeant Reynolds who put public service before party politics.

I have a multi-million dollar software package that requires a national, states and district operations, a software packaged designed to improve our democracy and economics. Public colleges earn the rights to the software by voting for their school--see Virginia School Votes.

I hope you will take advantage of my offer and your position to encourage your students, staff, alumni and friends to vote for Christopher Newport University to receive the state rights and rewards to my software package. I will not repeat what is delineated on at I am running for office, like you, not for me but to promote a message.

My campaign message ( is to raise public awareness of a new perspective on climate change and of how capitalism is a victim of identity theft by Wall Street. Due to the combination of 401ks, stock options and IPO's, the middle class has not only lost jobs but 90% of its retirement in just one generation. If we cannot save the middle class then we don't solve our common, shared problems, e.g., climate change. A common problem is funding education. Rights to the software will help fund your school.

If not initially, eventually you will see the benefits of my effort that began in the late 1970's. In 1982, I wrote my first essay on climate change in which I predicted more droughts with downwind deluges/flooding: This is now the new normal.

Best of the day to you,

Bob Barnett
3600 Anne Street
Richmond, VA 23225

P.S. I am sending the following email to CNU staff, clubs, and students, see\24in4\Emails\CNU-16Apr04.htm