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## YYMMDD ext Source Title and Notes (if any) *Title from filename
1 020205 htm
StarTrib Taxpayers object to prison inmate's $1 million transplant
  1. Who can judge the ethics of giving a California inmate a heart transplant better than the man who didn't get that organ?
  2. So doctors instead gave the ``premium'' heart to a 31-year-old twice-convicted robber from Los Angeles, who suffered from a viral infection that had weakened his valves. It is believed to be the first heart transplant in the nation for a prisoner, although inmates have previously had kidney and liver transplants.
2 061014 htm
WashPost Arbitrator: Supermax Prison Understaffed -
  1. Staffing at the Supermax prison has gotten so low that job hazards have increased for correctional officers watching over the nation's worst terrorists, an arbitrator has ruled
3 090916 htm
WashPost Joe Davidson - Federal Diary: Chilling Findings in Prison Sex-Abuse Report
  1. "staff sexual abuse of federal inmates."
  2. "While male staff members were frequently accused of abusive sexual contact with inmates of the same gender, female staff members were rarely accused of abusive sexual contact with inmates of the same gender,

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