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## YYMMDD ext Source Title and Notes (if any) *Title from filename
1 060209 htm
Time Twin Mysteries of Warrantless Wiretapping
  1. here are a couple of mysteries that well-informed lawyers who have worked in the murky world of secret snooping say are worth exploring.
  2. So, what did the U.S. learn?
  3. What did the U.S. collect in what it calls the terrorist surveillance program that it could not have collected had it obeyed the FISA procedures?
2 070306 htm
USAtoday Cannot Afford Asteroid Hunt
  1. The cost to find at least 90% of the 20,000 potentially hazardous asteroids and comets by 2020 would be about $1 billion
3 090713 htm
WashPost Want Healthcare But Not Cost-Something For Nothing
  1. [Scumnuts--RSB]
4 091101 htm
WashPost Robert J. Samuelson - Robert J. Samuelson on whether America could go broke
  1. Consider Japan. In 2009, its budget deficit -- the gap between spending and taxes -- amounts to 10 percent or more of gross domestic product (GDP). The total government debt -- the borrowing to cover all its deficits -- is approaching 200 percent of GDP. That's twice the size of its economy.
  2. Wealthy societies everywhere face a similar dilemma. Debt is ballooning from already high levels.

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