Orphans of GlobalDying\FalseHopes\!R-BioFuels
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  1. HTM Temp file holder
  2. HTM Carbon advantage of biofuels may be overstated
  3. HTM Bad year for biofuel ends on a dour note
  4. HTM U.S. biofuel plants go bankrupt on feedstock costs | Reuters.com
  5. HTM Saving the Earth: The Biodiesel Bus Blog
  6. HTM EPA biofuels guidelines could spur production of ethanol from corn
  7. HTM Green fuels cause more harm than fossil fuels, according to report
  8. HTM Secretive fuel-cell startup stirring hopes, doubts
  9. HTM Siphoning Off Corn to Fuel Our Cars
  10. GIF USGrainBiofuel1980-2010.gif
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