YouTube Videos/Slideshows:
Summaries of Ideals & Goals

Earn Lifehours Based on reviewing and submitting a pro or con: Rules and Guidelines

Why Climate Contradictions

Re-Timing Existence

Existential Meltdown (essay)

  1. Organic Thesis of CO2
  2. Polar Timebomb
  3. AlphaTrifecta: Autism
    ADHD & Alzheimers
  4. Petrophiliacs
  5. Lottery Deaths 1 & 2
  6. Blame Game
  7. BP's CO2 Blastomas
  8. Drought US Midwest
  9. False Hopes
  10. Groan Jobs
  11. Horrific Date: 2015
  12. Hurricanes for Dummies
  13. Mother Nature: No Care
  14. Oil Droughts: 1 & 2
  15. State of the Union 2011
  16. WCCO Minneapolis
  17. Win Battles, Lose War
  18. Deadly Currency: CO2
  1. Spinbarism
    1. Speed of Light
    2. Symphonies
    3. Rivers
    4. Oddities
  2. Catan
    1. Sensory Evolution
    2. Cancers
    3. Cancer: Simple Cure
    4. Food
  3. Mentality
    1. iCube
    2. PTSD
    3. Mental Earthquakes
    4. Multi
  4. Ecos Nomos
    1. Economics/Politics
  5. Politeness
  6. Morality
    1. Self & Morality
    2. Summary
    3. Dilemma
    4. Meaning of Life
  7. Appendix
    1. Billiard Bob
    2. DooDooism of Timism
    3. Problems
  1. Civil War
  2. Existential Meltdown
    1. Attitude
    2. Cancers: 1, 2
    3. Economics
    4. Education
    5. Employment
    6. Energy/Xport
    7. Obesity
  3. Heros or Pseudos
  4. MANMA
  5. Meaning of Life
  6. RPE: AWW, POP,
  7. Sorry
  8. You Owe Me
  9. Zoo Visitors

Decapitalism & Lifehours

Habitual Politicians

Whole Plan (essay)

  1. 401k Pensions
  2. Bucket Economics
  3. Corporate Rot 1 & 2
  4. Currency: 1, 2, 3, 4
  5. Decapitalism
  6. Dollar is Dead
  7. Dysfunctional $: 1,2,3
  8. Inflation 1,2,3
  9. Inflation: A Poem
  10. Inflation Corny 1 & 2
  11. Lifehours
  12. Monetarism: Bleeding Humanity to Death
  13. Necronomics 1 & 2
  14. Student Support
  15. Wall Street Lies 1, 2
  1. 529 Ponzi Schemes
  2. Democracy: 1 and 2
  3. Empires Die
  4. French Fries
  5. Get It Boys Address
  6. Gettysburg Address
  7. Habitual Politicians
  8. Liberals Are Losers
  9. Mug Whitman: Public Financing of Elections
  10. Reagan Myths
  11. Republican Res Pubers
  12. Saltwater Politics
  13. State of the Union 2011
  1. 24 in 4: A & B
  2. Amendment
  3. Controlled Depopulation
  4. Greener than Green
  5. Manheaven Project
  6. Primary Moral Imperative
  7. Sorched Earth Salvation
  8. What Needs to Be Done
  9. Who Will Tie the Bell
  10. Whole Plan

Brainbees on issues raised in the above Youtube vids.

Summarize your submission (400 letters or less). You may include an email address or webpage address for more information, see Entry Guidelines.

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Copyright 1978+ Robert S. Brown-Barnett