Re: 3600 Anne Street Aftermath
Thanks for whatever you did to improve the peacefulness of my neighborhood. Gone is the noisy parked car. Passing noisy cars do not leave the echos of indignation that linger to impede one's thinkings.
Whether imagined or real, the birds sing more noticeably. Of the noise level, my wife keeps telling me I need a hearing aid--she's tired of having to turn the TV volume from 50 to 30 after I have watched alone.
For five years, I bit my tongue because of my commitment to Timism as a venue for championing the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on earth. [Sounds quaint and affected, if not anachronistic, but I am an autist who lives my lonely life working for something bigger than me.]
When, soon, you receive the 24in4: Share Job Time or Jobless Crime email announcements, you can always delete the emails before you read them. I encourage you to take advantage of the personal rewards, not for yourself as much as for initiating a chain of good, needed events.
My business model is based on my having written the software that normally requires millions of dollars in venture capital funding. I am a Christ/Lincoln/Gandhi/MLK follower not a Bile Guts wannabee which is why I neither want nor expect special treatment, just fair treatment. When one wants something-for-nothing one ends up with less than something if not less than nothing.
As is, I can give the unencumbered stock options/credits to those who sign up to support the tools of timism for better democracy and capitalism. "First responders" receive the biggest gratis awards, one year of salary in stock of the political office which they "homestead." If you claim (not run for) your state's federal senatorial office, for instance, you will receive $175,000 in stock with an IPO of about $25/share, i.e., about 7000 shares.
[I am not trying to buy friendship. By incentivizing your exploring the Timists, you will see several layers of gifts that you will want to share with your family and friends. Voila, a new, better, public policy-making process. If Timism does not orchestrate its gifts for ownership of, by and for the people, vulture capitalists will use the tools for despotism, not democracy.]
When all the public offices down to the local levels have been homesteaded, the Timists (the Party of More Time) will have over 1,000,000 supporters with an average of 1,000 to 2,000 lifehour credits. That will be an organized political force supporting better democracy and capitalism. Without implementing these tools the value of our hours of life and their symbols (lifehours) will be becoming zilch!
As the buying power of lifehours increase so will the value of our life hours. The symbols of our time will reflect the substance of our time. Once again, wealth will reflect one's worth as a problem-solver, that is, as a time-saving solution-creator not as a time-wasting problem-causer. (These juliet sets of self-similarity are imbued in Timism, The Morality of More Time.)
Lifehours will be used and traded like frequent flyer miles or Bit-Coins. With 24in4 healthcare reform, one can use them for healthcare payments. Bit-Coins are  a speculative farce. Timism's "lifehours" are tied to developing better public problem-solving to save time to improve the quality of life, e.g., brainbees and elementary democracy. Cashflow will come from several sources. Via the Super Brainbee, I expect this to be repeated in the 225-plus nations on Planet Earth: With the internet, this is not only possible but is already coded/programmed. Seeds have been planted in India and Egypt--see Hope in English and Urdu/Hindi.
My launch plan focuses on the Civil Trinity, the core of civilization in any economy: Teachers, Police and Firemen, aka, the First Responders. In the next few days after final tweaking, you will have the opportunity to call colleagues, friends and relatives to encourage them to signup for free to claim the high-count homestead lifehours. (This is not about me--Timists is designed to minimize my time loss from the freedom that comes with solitude. I do as a duty not as a want.)
I feel sorry for my neighbors whose pettiness and nastiness cost them a lot--I have over 100 videos of their sad actions triggered and recorded by their noisy blaring radios. The no-parking signs have negatively impacted the real estate value of their property while incidentally improving mine. This reflects the inconvenience of their having to walk up to rather than walk into their home as well as a loss of convenient parking spaces. (An example of karma, the Doo-Doo'ism of Timism.)
In summary, something globally great and needed may have begun in Richmond. You have helped.
Thanks again,
Bob Barnett
P.S. Emails like this, de facto essays, help me keep my thoughts together and my nose to the grindstone.