Recipients of Communication on CrowJimism in Richmond, Virginia

  1. Washington, DC
    1. White House
    2. US Justice Department
    3. US Civil Rights Commission
    4. NAACP
    5. Washington Post, Washington Times
    6. Alt-Right news (I hate getting in bed with them, but the enemy of my offenders becomes my friend.)
  2. Virginia
    1. State Civil Rights Commission
    2. Senators: Warner ... Kaine (no email address found)
    3. Congressman: No email address found
  3. Richmond
    1. City Council (existing)
    2. Richmond Police Department (existing)
    3. Department of Public Utilities
    4. Local TV and RTD
  4. National (future)
    1. 4000 reporters and editors collected over the years who have not unsubscribed from my occasional emails for better democracy and better capitalism.
    2. Law firms specializing in reverse discrimination, aka, crowjimism.

Save time and syllables, don't say/write "reverse discrimination," use CrowJimism instead.