This email echos one of 2015 and earlier ones in 2002-3. The below links support and document the following.

  1. Your droughts are due to your oil fields in the west.
  2. Exporting raw resources to China increases its energy use that increases CO2 in the Northern hemisphere jetstream. The latter causes the Polar Ice Cap to shrink which reduces it modulating effect on heatwaves.
  3. While US climate change has local contributing factors, Australia is a big external factor.
  4. The sooner your barbie, beer, and beach lifestyle is burned up, the sooner life on earth will have a chance of survival.
  5. Like most Americans, you think you are above the rules, but, as you are experiencing "Igknowance of the laws of Mother Nature is no escape."
  6. Unlike the Syrians suffering from a record 900-year drought, you won't have a places for migration after you destroyed the environment of your nation and planet.

Learning Opportunities:

Title URLs
1982 Oil Droughts: First writing on CO2 causing droughts/deluges!JimDuncan821215/1982OilDrought.htm
2002 Original Australia Essay
2002 Hurricanes for Dummies
2007 AlphaTrifecta: CO2 behind increased Autism, ADHD and Alzheimers
2007 Polar Time Bomb
2015 PR Email, Burn, Baby, Burn
2016 Burn, Alberta, Burn
CO2 Matrix: Ten historical droughts caused by CO2
CO2: The Global Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule
Organic Thesis of Climate Change and Extremes
YouTube Global Dying: 19 vids echoing above and more
Timism: The Morality of More Time