Values and PSTD
In moments of uncertainty and stress, one's values determines how quickly
one moves forward from uncertainty and stress to certitude and success.
Problems are not only a part of life but are an opportunity in life. Each
problem is an opportunity for better dancing on the one stage that
is one's life--pro ballein(ballet) ... better dancing! A problem can
throw or project one forward in life. A problem is an opportunity to packet
a solution for a profit--pro esse ... forward existence.
Over the year, this problem-sufferer has become a very profitable problem-solver
with a growing collection of valuable mental vitiamins:
Serenity Prayer:
GOD, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change,
Courage to change the
things I can,
and the Wisdom
to know the difference.
[Complete poem]
Serenity Prayer Nutshell: It is what it is [which is what I say when I behold
my Bodhi Dharma Bump.]
Go placidly amid the noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
"I can't go on. I must go on. I will go on."
"Attitude determines altitude."
"I am happy because I live like a baby chicken: cheap, cheap, cheap." [bob
The road to success and happiness is always under construction. How fast
and how far you travel depends on how you handle the bumps, potholes, flat
tires and road ragers.
The music of your mind is the records you play on it.
The Puritans thought God had forgotten them if they did not have problems
in their lives.
PTSD, like any problem, becomes a bigger problem if you dwell on it.
If you have a bucket list for dying, you should have two bucket lists for
living productively (pro duce, forward leading):
Manic list
Depressed list
Do not piss away your life in false, wasteful celebration when you are in
a manic phase--do something productive. And, if depressed, don't sit on your
ass. Do something productive for yourself and others. Again, if you were
willing to fight and die for your country then you should be willing and
able to fight and live for your country. You will have blue days. Start a
garden. Learn a musical instrument.
Ask not what you can do for your country, ask what you and your country
can do for each other. JFK revised
Don't take mental medications more than a four days a week. Expect the blue
days in-between. Avoid the complex drugs that require a long-term ramp-up
before becoming effective--you are screwing up your metabolism that will
lead to worsening physical and mental illnesses.
Beware of religions and counselors: Like a prostitute, they are there
for the long-run only when you give more than you take. Before Prozac, there
was tithing.
Morality without practicality is immoral.
Visions are glorified opinions, illogical answers of a wannabee's opining.
Visions are like opinion and arseholes--everyone has one.
Visions without reason are treasons to reason.
When promised something-for-nothing, your something becomes nothing.
The most expensive things in life are first free (A Japanese Proverb):
Free parking ... $100 towing fee.
Free financial advice ... no savings, penions or retirement.
Free love ... 18 years of child rearing costs.
Free eternal life ... hell on earth.
Igknowance is bliss until the igknowed problems blitz your life.
Remember, in the end, you are on your own. No one can hurt you unless you
have the values that let, or worse, encourage, them to hurt you.
[I was lucky, I went to college not for job-training and money-making but
for an answer to the question: What is the meaning of life? Disdainers of
a liberal education may have more money but they will not
liberate themselves from the problems of their lives since money will
not buy you happiness. It is the first of all problems for a man to find
out what kind of work he is to do in this universe. Thomas Carlyle.
Values list of author. ]