Why I Was "Dis-enrolled"

After writing a request for a refill of a medication I had been receiving from the V.A. for almost ten years, I was surprised and shocked to receive a phone message that I had been "dis-enrolled" and that the prescription could not be refilled. "Dis-enrolled" really means "benefits cut" like the CIA's "rendition" meant "torture" and "water-boarding." And, make no mistake about it: If you suffer narcolepsy and want to be a productive problem-solver, the lack of an optimal medication makes life really hell.

As noted in the "How the U.S. Military and V.A. Worsens PTSD", a de facto PTSD ensues for the narcoleptic sufferer who is denied medication. He cannot keep his thoughts together, constantly has to restart his thinking process and projects, and cannot sleep because he repeatedly falls asleep during the day among many unnecessary unpleasantries.

Unlike most narcoleptics, I like to think including thinking about thinking. Some say I think too much. I designed a workspace to optimize thinking. My undergraduate studies were not for job training but really for an education into the meaning of life which required learning about thinking. The more you think the more you link the links of life together. Some say to think is to stink instead of "to be" (cogito ergo stinko) or to think long is think wrong.

This whole websegment of Timism on my V.A. degradation is about my thinking about what happened. Why were my benefits cut without notice when I had done nothing wrong? I think it was a June, 2013, letter to my primary care physician in which I complained about delayed treatment, mistreatment, security guard and lecturing in the McGuires V.A. ER with a stated intention of seeking legislative review of the V.A., to wit:

Again, anyone who thinks I am a threat does not know me. I am not a gun-toting member of the NRA. I believe in due process which is one of the reasons that I am running as a candidate for the Virginia House of Delegates with the intention of seeking appointment to the veterans affairs commission. I believe my story of being increasingly demeaned and mistreated is not a unique story. I want a commission to investigate veterans complaints from all V.A. hospitals across the nation.

Therein, I have concluded, was my ticket to hell-on-earth as an untreated narcoleptic who cannot think about the mistress of his existence--Timism, the  Morality of More Time, ala the Periodic Table of Existence. Time is the thread in the fabric of life. Time is the precious something the V.A. has stolen from me and from itself.

(An irony: I increasingly lack the mental stamina to work on projects and subprojects except when the blood is boiling and adrenaline flowing as is the case when I think about what the V.A. has done to me.)