
Four Steps to Better Dancing

The Latin origin of problem--pro ballein--means better dancing. Every problem is an opportunity to dance better on the stage of life. People who don't have or seek real problems are life's existential wallflowers. To live without problems is to not grow. If you aren't having problems, you aren't trying to live. To be born without problems is to suffer drought. To have parents that don't want you to have the same hard life that made them great, independent individuals is to have parents that deny you the greatest human gift, the work ethic, which is the key to freedom from problems and thereby freedom from unhappiness.

So what are the steps to being a better dancer? Two-steps? No, four steps!

The solution of problems requires four steps. The following is a summary of those steps along with how this on-line service is  the best dancehall in cyberspace.
1. It is not enough to describe what is wrong Habitual Politicians and Decapitalism
2. It is not enough to prescribe what is needed Democratic Capitalism
3. It is not enough to provide an organizational system On-Line Brain Bees
4. Enough requires a maximum motivation Lifehour Tax Credits.

For enough to be enough, reliability and validity of bookkeeping must be more than a daydream. Toward this level of creditability, the following samples are offered. Of course, using the system will give you evidence each time you use the system. A timistic leverage buyout of failed policy-makers cannot expect people to self-motivate to the max without an easy to use, verifiable and reliable on-line accounting system.

Examples of lifehour tax credits from interacting with on-line democracy and capitalism are available at the example index. Please note how the last lines of the email response contains the status of the system.

Of course, it is possible for one to be a zero and get stuck on step zero without completing the 1st step of problem-solving, that is, describing the problem. A lot of people are zeros because their problem-solving approach is to blame someone else for their problems, wasting more time, sweat and stress on whining than it takes to solve problems. Because they spend zero time on solving problems and are stuck on step zero, these people are human zeros.

Bowl of Marbles Problem Analogy

In being a universal time-creating problem-solver, one is fulfilling the meaning of life.

Of course, it is possible for one to be a zero and get stuck on problem-solving step zero without completing the 1st step of problem-solving, that is, describing the problem. A lot of people are zeros because their problem-solving approach is to blame someone else for their problems, wasting more time, sweat and stress on whining than it takes to solve problems. Because they spend zero time on solving problems and are stuck on step zero, these people are human zeros.

Acupuncture Morality is common sense which increases one's percentages in the Four-Steps of solving problems thus increasing the quality of one's free will in one fulfilling the meaning of life.


  1. If you ask a moron to flight an airplane and it crashes, it is not the moron's fault. It is your fault for asking a moron to fly a plane.
  2. If you ask a naive person to fly a plane and it crashes, it is your fault for not teaching.
  3. If you ask an igknowant person to fly a plane and it crashes, it is your fault for hiring a person who igknows learning.
  4. If you ask a dishonest, deceitful person to fly a plane and it crashes, good for you: the world is a better place.
  5. A half-solution is a whole-problem.

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 > #1 Habitual Politicians 071101 Habitual Politicians: Habitual Problems and Terrorism
 > #2 Decapitalism 071101 Decapitalism: Economic Bloodshed
 > #3 Democratic Capitalism 071111 Tenets of Democratic Capitalism
 > #4 On-Line Brain Bees 071101 Brain Bees to Solve Our Problems
 > #5 leverage buyout 071101 Leverage Buyout of Habitual Politicians
 > #6 example index 071101 Lifehour Receipts: Index of Examples
 > #7 meaning of life 100827 Meaning of Life: Create Time
 > #8 Acupuncture Morality 100825 Acupuncture Morality
 > #9 free will 100715 Free Will: Freedom, Rights and Liberal
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