It takes longer to tell a person what to do,
how to do it, and when to do it than
to allow and to encourage him
to do it himself.

AESOP recruits employees from three categories: business owners, employed workers and unemployed job seekers. The recruitment of each is emphasized at a different point in AESOP's expansion. The initial system expands (regions, sub-regions, districts) by affiliating existing small businesses through leveraged buyouts.

Business Owners

AESOP can expand most quickly by seeking existing or would-be business owners who find the requirements of traditional management too rigorous for the rewards received. Many good workers do not have the ability to make the personal sacrifices required by traditional management approaches to own and run a business. These good workers are past, present or future business owners.

Before AESOP starts operations in a new area, a seminar will be conducted on the benefits of Aesop. Owners of print shops, word processing services, and typesetting shops will be invited. These existing businesses have the key services of the Information Management, AESOP's flagship enterprise. The purchase of the company will involve stock and payments.

In the geographical area of expected growth (a congressional district) there probably will be three hundred businesses that fit this category. Out of this number it should be easy to find up to nine business owners that would like to become part of the expanding AESOP system.

The primary benefit to a business owner is more income per hour with less hassle. Specifics are:

The information management field is undergoing rapid change. Most existing and new business owners realize they cannot keep up with the change or the cost. As a result, they know that they are in decline as a stand alone operation.

The expression "United we stand, divided we fall" will play an important role in businesses joining AESOP. A number of national organizations are growing which have the benefits of joint purchases, research, development, marketing and advertising. AESOP offers these benefits and more: profit sharing, stock ownership and ground floor opportunity.

Each small business bought by AESOP receives the right to open seven to nine subordinate operations. They will receive half the profits from these offspring operations. The other half proceeds upward as part of the operation's profit sharing. A business person presently receives profits. Operating in the same capacity at AESOP, he could receive the equivalent of profits from more than three operations ... depending when they sold their business to AESOP.

Most business people are locked into solving the same problems over and over, e.g., labor. Aesop will free the small business person to explore new profitable activities.

The benefits to AESOP are rapid expansion with tried and proven individuals who have above average motivation. The individuals already have a customer base and a location. Incorporating the business involves installing the network, the supply system, a few signs and a few mailings, all of which can be completed in a week.

The sequence of incorporating a new business, which is also adding a new level, is as follows:

The paperwork for seven to nine operations in an area are filed en masse by the corporate agent for the state in which the operations are being opened.

Business owners will attend a seminar for potential employees. AESOP will conduct a job fair for potential employees in the area.

The computer hardware, software and supply system will be installed, complementing and eventually replacing the existing means of management and organization.

The existing business owners will receive training in the operation of Aesop. The new employees will receive the training. All new employees will spend three hours in sales, building up public awareness of the new services. Mailings of special introductory pricing will be conducted weekly.

The expansion to the next level will begin as soon as the operation is self-managing.

System Expanders

During the geographical expansion of the AESOP network, certain employees will be hired as "system expanders." These individuals will be co-recipients of the profits from the operations they organize. To earn this income and position, they understand that they will work extra until they have coordinated the opening of their operations. They are expected to learn things at twice the rate of a regular new employee. They will be on salary and expected to work one evening a week and on Saturdays until they have opened their own set of offices to coordinate.

System expanders will be recruited from the district where the offices will be opened. They will temporarily relocate to an established operation for intense training. The system expanders will enlarge the system to the district level.

System expanders hold the position of presidents of the AESOP Leasing operations for each organization level unit, e.g., the district AESOP Leasing. Initially, these are earned and appointed positions. With growth, the positions become elected.


If a person is unemployed and AESOP does not have an immediate need, the person can work through the AESOP Temporary Services in clerical or labor services. When a position opens, preference will be given to the persons with the best work record. The person will also be allowed to work part-time, on call in the manner of an employed person seeking a career at AESOP.

This approach will let AESOP evaluate potential employees, generate income, and make other companies aware of AESOP Services.


If a person is presently employed, permanent or temporary, he will be tested through part-time work in the evenings and on Saturdays. The work will be primarily production to see if they are self-managers and comfortable with computers. Individuals found to be successful and able to do the work that they say they can do will be hired at the next opening based on their level of accumulated shares in AESOP through the stock ownership plan.

Management Growth

With Aesop as a teacher, the individual will grow in problem-solving skills. These skills represent the career steps at AESOP.

Clock in on the computer with the fingertip productivity tools, review and process the job.
Work with customers on the desk, phone and cold-calls in organizing and writing up projects.
Office Manager Complete the duties of an office manager.
Leasing Manager Oversee leasing arrangements and payments
Lear th process and coordinate the opening of seven to nine operations in their home towns.  Serve as coordinator, making contracts with the local business community.
Develop and maintain services with education and training job modules and project macros.
Conducting presentations on the value of investing in AESOP for better services at better prices to yield productive deflation.
Consultant Assist in implementing Aesop in non-competing industries.
With one's community service account, funded from profits, one can work in a public service function.

Elected Positions

Once AESOP has achieved a community presence in each district, elections will be held one year later for positions of responsibility at each hierarchical level. The elections will start at the bottom with each person ranking his peers; the person with the highest vote is selected for the next level of competition.

With yearly elections, new individuals and ideas will be part of the system. There is no stagnation, for one must either advance upward or accept a lesser position.

It takes longer to tell a person what to do, how to do it, and when to do it than to allow and to encourage him to do it himself. AESOP is a process that helps good people become better while bringing out the best in all people. It is a process that transcends any individual. It unites any and all who wish to participate in a fair and meritorious process. The best person is selected and elected for the immediate problem.

Warning: Anyone found stealing lifehours will be forever banned from participation in and rewards of Better Democracy and Capitalism.


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