Demes:  What are your State and Local
Public Problem-Solving Units?

Guidelines ... Global Democracy

Add Domestic/Interest Country ... Demes Do's & Don't's

By entering your state and local political units in the below form, you will automatically receive emails submission requests at the beginning of each cycle of democracy for your respective "demes." Demes were the basic political units in ancient Greece whence, in part, the phrase "democracy." Demes means "divisions of people", not merely people.

To facilitate your helping prioritize and select individuals and issues within your various political hierarchies, units or boundaries, it is necessary for you to complete the following information. You are already assigned to your country deme. You receive lifeminutes for certain fields that may require some time for you to comfirm and to complete. Some deme classifications may not apply:

  • in some states, county and city boundaries to not overlap;
  • elsewhere, they do.

In the former you cannot be a voter in both a county and a city while you can be in the latter.

When enough people from a state or city have completed the information, they will be emailed to see if they want to set up on-line democracy and capitalism for their Problem Solving Unit. If your state or country do

Leave blank any fields that do not apply. Some countries only have single house (unicameral) legislatures. Some countries have upper houses predicated on the state/province in which case their are no numbers, e.g., the U.S. Senate.

Find Your Demes in the US, visit Project Vote Smart where you can enter your Zip+4 to get needed info.

(This will be replaced by a GPS/Postal Code system that requires only the location
of your voting residence to generate all your voting options.)

Programmer's Note: Global Countries ... Subnational Demes

'Links From' Pages linking to this page: ( )No IndexDir ... Refs General ... !RefsRvu ... !Dir.nts) InfoLinks (05-22-2015@07:28) Linkstat:LinksFrom2Table
Link In From Uploaded Webpage Title of Link In file
< #1 Status 071113 Status of Actions and Accounts
< #2 SubNatDemes 031215 Index to Nation's Subdivisions
< #3 ElectionReformIndex 100801 Election Reform Summary and Index
< #4 PensionLending 071111 Pension Lending
< #5 EPU-EPluribusUnum 080527 E Pluribus Unum: On-Line Democracy, All for one and One for All