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## YYMMDD ext Source Title and Notes (if any) *Title from filename
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(see webpage) 100 Items to Disappear First
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Brazil- Face Web B C C A
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Canads West Petro Canada Oxy75
5 ------ htm
(see webpage) Drought conditions exacerbated by poor infrastructure
  1. While the scarcity of snow on the mountains and minimal rainfall are prompting fears that Tajikistan could face another severe drought this year, ecology experts in the capital Dushanbe have warned that the country's decaying infrastructure and poor management have exacerbated mother nature's wrat
6 ------ txt M M S Notes
7 ------ TXT N O E R R O R
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(see webpage) Oil Well Blowing, Nelly
  1. [photo]
9 ------ HTM
(see webpage) Future Upload of this file
  1. Upload brainbee
  2. lifehour credit
  3. lifeboat passage
  4. primary moral imperative
  6. Manheaven Project
10 ------ gif
U S Drought Dec2000
## YYMMDD ext Source Title and Notes (if any) *Title from filename
11 010501 gif
NOAA Africa Wetness-010501 N O A A
12 010703 gif
StarTrib G O M Field181010703 Star Trib
13 010703 gif
StarTrib G O M Field1813 G I F010703 Star Trib
14 080425 htm
ScienceDaily Risk Linked To Distance From Power Plants
  1. Is the risk of autism greater for children who live closer to the pollution source?
  2. shows a statistically significant link between pounds of industrial release of mercury and increased autism rates. It also shows—for the first time in scientific literature—a statistically significant association between autism risk and distance from the mercury source.
15 080428 htm
CIW Before Fossil Fuels Earths Minerals Kept CO2in Check
  1. Over millions of years carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere have been moderated by a finely tuned natural feedback system—a system that human emissions have recently overwhelmed.
  2. to model how carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by volcanoes and other natural sources is ultimately recycled via carbon-bearing minerals back into the crust.
  3. hundreds of thousands of years the equilibrium between carbon dioxide input and removal was never more than one to two percent out of balance, a strong indication of a natural feedback system
  4. During Earth's history it has probably helped to prevent runaway greenhouse and icehouse conditions over time scales of millions to billions of years — a prerequisite for sustaining liquid water on Earth's surface.
  5. Carbon dioxide is added naturally to the atmosphere and oceans from volcanoes and hydrothermal vents at a rate of about 0.1 billion tons of carbon each year
  6. Human industrial activity and destruction of forests is adding carbon about 100 times faster, approximately 10 billion tons of carbon each year.
  7. We are emitting CO2 far too fast to expect mother nature to mop up our mess anytime soon. Continued burning of coal, oil and gas will result in long-term changes to our climate and to ocean chemistry, lasting many thousands of years.”
16 081020 htm
WashPost Risk of Disease Rises With Water Temperatures
  1. When a 1991 cholera outbreak that killed thousands in Peru was traced to plankton blooms fueled by warmer-than-usual coastal waters, linking disease outbreaks to epidemics was a new idea
  2. it is a near-certainty that global warming will drive significant increases in waterborne diseases around the world.
  3. From 1948 to 1994, heavy rainfall was correlated with more than half of the nation's outbreaks of waterborne illness
  4. In one of the worst, torrential rains in Milwaukee in 1993 triggered a sewage release that exposed 403,000 people to cryptosporidium, a protozoan parasite transmitted in fecal matter. Fifty-four people died.
17 081111 htm
(Appended) The Five Stages of Collapse ... Source: EnergyBulletin
  1. Dmitry Orlov
  2. Source URL:
  3. Links:
18 081204 htm NYT As More Eat Meat, a Bid to Cut Emissions -
  1. The trillions of farm animals around the world generate 18 percent of the emissions that are raising global temperatures, according to United Nations estimates, more even than from cars, buses and airplanes.
  2. High-tech fixes include those like the project here, called “methane capture,” as well as inventing feed that will make cows belch less methane, which traps heat with 25 times the efficiency of carbon dioxid
  3. slapping a “sin tax” on pork and beef
  4. ndeed, scientists are still trying to define the practical, low-carbon version of a slab of bacon or a hamburger. Every step of producing meat creates emissions.
  5. A sober scientist, he suggests that “the most attractive” near-term solution is for everyone simply to “reduce meat consumption,” a change he says would have more effect than switching to a hybrid car.
  6. Producing a pound of beef creates 11 times as much greenhouse gas emission as a pound of chicken and 100 times more than a pound of carrots, according to Lantmannen, the Swedish group.
  7. Soy cultivation has doubled in Brazil during the past decade, and more than half is used for animal feed.
  8. Estimates of emissions from agriculture as a percentage of all emissions vary widely from country to country, but they are clearly over 50 percent in big agricultural and meat-producing countries like Brazil, Australia and New Zealand.
  9. In the United States, agriculture accounted for just 7.4 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in 2006
  10. The percentage was lower because the United States produces extraordinarily high levels of emissions in other areas, like transportation and landfills
  11. Others suggest including agriculture emissions in carbon cap-and-trade systems, which currently focus on heavy industries like cement making and power generation. Farms that produce more than their pre-set limit of emissions would have to buy permits from greener colleagues to pollute.
  12. The leftover mineral slurry is an ideal fertilizer that reduces the use of chemical fertilizers, whose production releases a heavy dose of carbon dioxide.
  13. one question that troubles green farmers is whether consumers will pay more for their sustainable meat.
19 081204 htm
USAToday Economists Raise Doubts About Alternative Energy Spending
  1. ome forms of alternative-energy spending "are totally impractical" for stimulating the economy
  2. Obama's transition team has not said how much of the stimulus package will be devoted to green energy
20 081213 htm
WashPost Calling Foreign Debt 'Immoral,' Leader Allows Ecuador to Default
  1. At some point, do you see Argentina and Venezuela saying, 'Well, Ecuador did it, why can't we?' "
## YYMMDD ext Source Title and Notes (if any) *Title from filename
21 090102 htm
WashPost Global Warming Is Just the Tip of the Iceberg
  1. "There is every reason to believe that as the 21st century unfolds, the security story will be bound together with climate change,"
  2. a dozen retired admirals and generals, warned that climate change could lead to political unrest in numerous badly hit countries, then perhaps to outright bloodshed and battle
22 090222 htm
WashPost Climate Fears Are Driving 'Ecomigration' Across Globe
  1. exploring ways to move all its 100,000 citizens to a new homeland because of fears that a steadily rising ocean will make the islands uninhabitable.
  2. There were about 25 million ecomigrants in the world a little more than a decade ago
  3. In Bangladesh, about 12 million to 17 million people have fled their homes in recent decades because of environmental disasters
  4. In the Philippines, upwards of 4 million people have moved from lowlands to highlands as a result of deforestation
23 090304 gif
WashPost Kitchen Appliances Problems Age090304 Wash Post
24 090408 htm
WashPost New Data Show Rapid Arctic Ice Decline
  1. The Arctic sea ice cover continues to shrink and become thinner, according to satellite measurements and other data released yesterday, providing further evidence that the region is warming more rapidly than scientists had expected.
  2. The past six years have produced the six lowest maximums in that record, and the new data show that the percentage of older, thicker and more persistent ice shrank to its lowest level ever, at just 9.8 percent of the winter ice cover.
  3. The new evidence -- including satellite data showing that the average multiyear wintertime sea ice cover in the Arctic in 2005 and 2006 was nine feet thick, a significant decline from the 1980s -- contradicts data cited in widely circulated reports by Washington Post columnist George F. Will that sea ice in the Arctic has not significantly declined since 1979.
25 090409 htm
WashPost Obama Science Chief Holdren Hints at Compromise on Auctions of Cap-and-Trade Emission Allowances
  1. During the presidential campaign, Obama called for auctioning off all the emissions permits issued at the outset of a cap-and-trade system, rather than auctioning some of them and giving the rest away
26 090520 htm
USAToday Twice As Bad As Previously Thought
  1. a 90% probability that worldwide surface temperatures will rise more than 9 degrees (F) by 2100, compared to a previous 2003 MIT study that forecast a rise of just over 4 degrees.
27 090612 htm
WashPost Samuel Thernstrom - Climate Engineering: Thinking the Unthinkable on Global Warming
  1. Yet a growing number of climate scientists and scholars believe that such efforts are likely to be too little, too late to stop warming -- and that, consequently, a broader view of our climate policy options is needed.
28 090612 htm
WashPost Samuel Thernstrom - Climate Engineering: Thinking the Unthinkable on Global Warming
  1. China's emissions exploded in the past decade; if left unchecked, they alone will equal the current global level by 2030.
  2. To avoid warming, therefore, global emissions would have to be halted immediately -- and existing emissions would have to be removed from the atmosphere as well. Not a likely prospect.
  3. The Earth is warmed by two forces: solar radiation, which enters the atmosphere, and the greenhouse gases that trap it there.
  4. For instance, ultra-fine sulfur particles injected into the upper atmosphere could deflect 1 or 2 percent of incoming sunlight
  5. For instance, low-altitude marine stratocumuli clouds, which cover about 25 percent of the world's oceans, also reflect sunlight. Research suggests that it might be possible to increase the reflective abilities of these clouds by spraying a fine mist of seawater into the air. A fleet of roughly 1,500 ships (estimated cost: $2 million per ship) might be able to increase the reflectivity of these clouds by 10 percent, enough to counteract anticipated warming.
29 090724 htm
Time How Does Cloud Cover Affect Climate Change
  1. One of the biggest questions in climate sensitivity has been the role of low-level cloud cover
30 090918 htm
NINews No Ireland Goes On Jelly Fish Alert
  1. Soon after the Northern Salmon seawater farm off scenic Glenarm returned to full production - after it suffered a massive fish kill two years ago when an invasion by a massive shoal of billions of jellyfish wiped out more than 100,000 fish
## YYMMDD ext Source Title and Notes (if any) *Title from filename
31 091211 htm
ThunderBolt Global Problem of Turbulence Cooling
  1. Could the widespread use of windmills be responsible for recent observations that the European continent is rapidly cooling?
32 805331 htm
WashPost Obstacles To Capping Greenhouse Gases0
  1. "In some ways, this is a dress rehearsal for next year

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