Computer Phrenology in Climate Change
Computer Phrenology describes the mentality and zeitgeist within the scientific community that more computer power will solve the problem. In particular, in climate change, computer modelers keep coming up short in their predictions of change, that is, the changes happen faster and faster than they predict. This failure at prediction can be seen in near-predictions failures of a few day that rival a 401k investment advisor.
Why? They don't know the processes or mechanism of how CO2 affects the atmosphere--see CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule.
Phrenology was the pseudo-science in the 1800s which claimed to discern mental processes by measuring the skull. This is what climate researchers do when they keep measuring bumps, dips, highs and lows of the atmosphere. They can never integrate the synergism of CO2 schizophrenic behavior because they don't understand the electro/chemical basis of the atmospheric dynamics.
Characterizing Computer Phlebotomists: