Orphans of GlobalDying\FalseHopes\!R-CapNTrade
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  1. HTM Cap-and-Trade Climate Bill Would Slow U.S. Economy, CBO Head Says
  2. HTM Cap-and-Trade Climate Bill Would Slow U.S. Economy, CBO Head Says
  3. HTM Woman Who Invented Credit Default Swaps is One of the Key Architects of Carbon Derivatives
  4. HTM Can You Be Traveling Green By Buying Offsets*
  5. HTM Emission Credit Trading*
  6. HTM Eco Conscious Consumers Pay To Ease Global Warming Guilt*
  7. HTM Former Adversaries Launch Carbon Credit-Trading Project
  8. HTM Iron to Plankton To Carbon Credits - washingtonpost.com
  9. HTM David Sokol - Let's Have Cap and No Trade
  10. HTM Value Of US House Carbon Offsetts Is Murky
  11. HTM Emisisions Soar CO2 World Wide
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