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References in this directory: 12 Top
filename L Title (References AnnotationNo Orphans)
CanYou O Can You Be Traveling Green By Buying Offsets* 070302USAToday
CBO-Ca O Cap-and-Trade Climate Bill Would Slow U.S. Economy, CBO Head Says 091014WashPost
CBOhea O Cap-and-Trade Climate Bill Would Slow U.S. Economy, CBO Head Says 091014WashPost
CDOSwa O Woman Who Invented Credit Default Swaps is One of the Key Architects of Carbon Derivatives 091207WashingtonBlog
Credit O Emission Credit Trading* 031205WSJ
EcoCon O Eco Conscious Consumers Pay To Ease Global Warming Guilt* 061210USAToday
Emissi H Emissions Trading* 010723WSJ
Former O Former Adversaries Launch Carbon Credit-Trading Project 091008WashPost
HogWil H Hog Wild Pollution Trading* 020902Fortune
Ironto O Iron to Plankton To Carbon Credits - 070720WashPost
LetsHa O David Sokol - Let's Have Cap and No Trade 090519WashPost
WorldW O Emisisions Soar CO2 World Wide 070521USAToday
A2zhdrLinking inc
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