Recently, you were emailed "Hydrophilia ...." To encourage you dessiminate among your internet contacts, you can receive 100 shares in a new internet company,, with an IPO value equal to an average hourly wage of your nation. But, first, the rationale for an incentive.

To solve any problem requires four steps for one or more people:

  1. Define
  2. Prescribe
  3. Oranize
  4. Motivate

Applied to climate change:

  1. Timism has define the smoking gun of climate change (Hydrophilia) as well as CO2 being the global, multi-tasking killer molecule.
  2. Timism has created the Manheaven Project pattern after the WWII Manhatten Project to create the atomic bomb. More importantly, Timism has created internet software whereby others can prioritize the biggest problems affecting the most people: Brainbees which are like spelling bees to spell out problems thru an automatic, peer-review process without subjective contamination or political corruption.
  3. Brainbees can also be used to create hierarchies of problem-solvers. The apps have been designed to be self-creating as grassroot organizations for all nations in the world with no human management: Nations List ... Level Rights ... Civility Branbees.
  4. Lifehours are an on-line cyber-currency that comes into existence to refect the current time-saving value of the individual as a problem-solvers. Lifehours will re-unite the symbols of time with the substance of our time. When millions have billions in lifehours, we will have a new, functional honest currency for solving our problems.

    In general, without exception, other cyber-currencies are the new variation of fools gold. Their value is based on the gullibility of the next buyer. Another example of how economists know the price of everything but the value of nothing.

Brainbees will do to human decision-making what computers did to accounting, bookkeeping and inventory, reducing the cost by 90% with better service. Brainbees will in its many forms be a tremendous cashcow--see Timism homepage, top of left column. It is important to note I covet neither fame nor fortune--see ....

If you are a journalist, you can receive 100 lifehours for critiquing the two main CO2 essays (Hydrophilia and CO2 Killer), pro or con. You will receive these when Timism is formally launched as well as other lifehour bonuses for creating the tools to reverse climate hell: Better Democracy and Better Capitalism. (The latter is a victim of identity theft by Wall Streeters with the worse example of decapitalism being 401ks which are the biggest bank robbery in history.)

To place a marker for your 100 lifehour journalistic review of Hydrophilia and CO2 Killer, complete the following form.

I will place the following on my website and reference it in my critique.
Journalist ... Educator ... TV reporter