September 21, 2021

James Ryan
Office of the President
Madison Hall
1705 University Avenue
Charlottesville, VA 22903

Dear President Ryan,

Almost two years ago before the Corvid pandemic, I contacted you about promoting my ideas for better democracy and capitalism (copy attached). The virus stopped that approach. Now, the University of Virginia can benefit from my research in conjunction with the UVA Biennial Democracy 2021 event. I have enclosed a packet of the material sent to the 23 panelists in the 3 seminars. I have attached $50 bill for you to give to a subordinate to review for an hour so as to ascertain whether you should review it.

Two things I am sure you would like to be associated with the University of Virginia and your Presidency of it.

  1. Hydrophilia (water-loving): The simple, molecular process behind CO2's climate change droughts, fires and deluges.
  2. Brainbees: A simple, universal internet app for better democracy.

I will be on the UVA campus with four 3'x4' posters (copies enclosed) expounding on hydrophilia, brainbees, democracy and capitalism. I hope that I am accorded the freedom to promote better democracy and capitalism. I argue that capitalism is a victim of identity theft. In past standing on corners in financial districts with this message, I have had police called on me. Most of the time the police have said I am not doing anything wrong in my exercise of free speech. But, more than once, I have been ordered to move or face arrest. I hope this is not the case during the Bienneal Democracy event. Somehow, the optics would seem wrong. And, UVA would not have the claim to my two main research achievements.

I am at your beck-and-call to explain hydrophilia and brainbees. Whether in the next few days from the horse's mouth or later from media reports, you will be surprised by my discoveries. (I was gifted with a great mental sponge. My cum laude in two years from Southern Illinois University, 29,000 students, is one indice.)

I hope the organizers will hold a third seminar on Saturday wherein I could show all the things that brainbees improves.

Thanking in advance for your time,

Bob Barnett
3600 Anne Street
Richmond, VA 23225
(804) 801-2130 (text only)

P.S. I intend to build a following by giving away ownership of Brainbees to supporters who receive 100 shares for supporting Timism's proposals for better democracy and capitalism.