Orphans of GlobalDying\RecordsNew\Heat\!R-Gen
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  1. HTM 2006-7 Winter Warmest On Record*
  2. HTM 2007 Warmest On Record
  3. HTM Dozens Dead European Heat Wave
  4. HTM East Record Heat Fire Threat
  5. HTM Eastern U S10degrees Hotter
  6. HTM Heat Robs U Sof Prime Fall Colors
  7. HTM Hi Heat Wave Of Future*
  8. HTM High Heat Wave Of Future
  9. HTM Killer Heat Bakes Europe
  10. HTM M P L S44 Days Temps Above Ave
  11. HTM Report Warns of a Much Warmer Northeast - washingtonpost.com
  12. HTM Nome Heat Record
  13. HTM Record Heat Halts Chicago Marathon
  14. HTM Russia Sees Ill Effects of 'General Winter's' Retreat
  15. HTM Seattles First Ever Heat Alert
  16. HTM Spring Keeps Coming Earlier For Birds Bees Trees
  17. HTM Spring Like Warmth After Records
  18. HTM Summer nights heating up, scientists say
  19. HTM Swelters In Record Heat Japan
  20. HTM Temp Record45-49-
  21. HTM Winter2006-2007 Warmest Ever*
  22. HTM World sizzles to record
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05-22-2015 @ 05:30:27