Brainbees: Overview and Index (top)
Brainbees are like spelling bees with citizens spelling out problems and solutions for peer review by an automatic, hands-free process. Brainbees eliminate the age-old public policy corruption by unrelated factors: greed, racism, sexism, and ageism. They are super-highway to government of, by and for the people.

Washington Press Gaggle

Timism's On-Going, Expanding Cash Sources:
From over 150 nations, 3600 states and countless cities and companies.
Brainbee process results for submissions, examples:
  • 7: This shows the basic tallying of votes in each brainbee classroom of seven submissions. You can confirm the math.
  • 49: This shows how 1st level winners create the next level of brainbees.
  • 343: Shows creation of 3rd level.
  • Brainbee Election_2401submissions.htm
  • Tested to 5,000,000 submissions