Lifehours: The absolute universal currency that transcends
the borders of politics and boundaries of centuries

Index ... Simple Overview ... Summary ... Book: Currency: Symbols or Substance  (top)
There is a simple, standard, absolute determination of a nation's currency value. It is based on the origin of the word and concept of currency: What is your time currently worth. A nation's lifehour is 24 hours divided by the average needed worktime/hours for the survival necessities of life.
  • If the necessary workhours are 12, the national lifehour is 2 (24/12=2)
  • If 4 hours then the lifehour is 6 (24/4=6).

Forgetting the misleading funny numbers on funny paper, in which nation would you want to live? Which nation has a higher quality of life hours, that is, free time to enjoy life?

California's mininum wage of $20 is a saltwater solution that will lower the quality of life in the same way that the Federal Reserve raising interest rates eventuates a lower quality of life: --see Both, like so many economists and politicians focus on funny numbers on funny paper.


Trading Lifehours ... Food For Lifehours... Mom and Pops ... With Timists political power, lifehours will be legislated for payment of taxes, loans, rent, and healthcare. Recipients will use the same payments.