Politics: When politicians make good policies then the polity in the polis will be polite and polished without police. (top)

Time Manager

In all actions, criminal and tax laws, government is a moral or immoral time manager of the people. Immoral laws of corrupt politicians are indicated by the claim, "And, it's legal."

Republic or Democracy

To say that America is a republic, not a democracy, is like saying a Cadillac is not a car. Per the Latin origin of republic and per the history of Roman government, a republic is a democracy that limits office-seekers to rich adults, res pubers. To run for office, a male needed to own about 1,000 acres of land. A wealthy businessman could not run for office because Rome saw how demogogic populist had taken Greek city-states to war for person gain, i.e., the early military-industrial complexes. The resulting Pyrrhic Victories weakened Greece as an international power. (Hint. Hint.)

America's Founding Fathers, rich enough in land to have time for politics, limited voting rights to wealthy adults. Untill 1932, 20% of U.S. states had a land-owning requirement in order to vote. Rich pubes aptly describes the Republican Party, either really rich or really wannabees. (The Republican Party is not the party of Lincoln, never was.)

Church and State 

  1. A Lie: Founding Fathers wanted a religious state, a theocracy.
  2. A Truth: Some Founding Fathers wanted their god in charge of government. Others saw the recipe for more religious civil wars to add to the dustbins of history.
  3. A Fact: 1789 Northwest Ordinance, the companion to the U.S. Constitution, rejected tax support for churches. Instead, the majority voted taxes for education that led to one-room schools: 190,000 in 1919 to fewer than 400 today.
  4. A Truth: Many Foundinng and Framing Fathers had ancestors who came to America to escape the tyranny and chaos of the religious state, e.g., Pilgrims, Hueguenots, Irish, etc.. Today, many immigrants seek freedom from the theocracies for which uneducated, low-information Americans clamor like the 1930s workers proclaiming communism to be a workers' paradise. Fools and their freedoms soon part.
  5. Christ said it best: Render under Caeser that which is Caeser's and unto God that which is God's.

"In God We Trust"

This phrase on U.S. currency did not originate with the 1776 Founding Fathers but appeared duirng the 1950s administration of President Dwight Eisenhower.
Dictatorship Fools' Gold, a saltwater solution to petty civil strife that culminates in costly civil war. Dictators are bitchers and butchers. Visions without roadmaps are stop signs. Democracy is not perfect but it is far less imperfect than dictatorships. Dictators first get elected based on promising to solve problems. Like revolutionists, they can over-throw a government but not govern. (see Thankful Dictators)
Democracy Democracy is not failing. Rather, petty dictators, a.k.a., habitual politicians, are failing democracy. We need term limits. The only thing worse than not voting is voting for ;habitual politicians who are the cause of our habitual problems.
Saltwater Solution At first, a saltwater solution seems to solve the problem, but, like a thirsty person drinking saltwater, the problem comes back worse than before: 401ks, 529, Volunteer military, EBT, welfare, trump, tax-cuts, deficit, etc.
Oprah's Truthism Oprah's Your Truth is a semantic metastasis that maims, mangles and murdereds the truths rooted in the rules of Mother Nature: Our Truths. For her afternoon, stay-at-home, low-information minions, Oprah elevated personal opinions and saviors above the rational, logical reality that transcends personal self-lies. Earthism is religious truthism. Why get educated when you are blessed beyond and better than any PhD? What she described, but shied away from, was Your Soul. A Black telling Whites to have Soul is not advertisingly beneficial. Oprah is a Mama of MAGA mentality as repeatedly re-inforce with her parade of sit-down guests.
N-Worders What does God think when he hears a racist use the N-word?
Woke, aka,
The gullibility of the poorly educated, ill-informed and low-information American sets new standards each time the wealthy come up with a new dog-whistle to have these Americans run, jump and turn-over for a semantic twisting of an old word. I don't know about you, but if I have been sleeping on the job of living by being mis-informed, I would like to enlightened or wolk up. Suckers for lies and their time and dollars soon part.
Time Manager In all its functions, government is a manager of our time: laws, regulations and taxes. The politician promote the morality of more time or metastasizes the immorality of less freedom.

Level Rights

To optimally right the wrongs of humanity, the power, duty and responsibility to solve problems should be allocated to the level of humanity at which the problems arise: Individual, family, neighborhood, city, district, state, region, nation, and global. Otherwise, problems will not be solved. Profit-Sharing Taxation echos level rights to get most bang for the tax dollar buck.

Welfare Reform:


  1. Recognize that unearned income is a cancer to one's humanity, whether welfare or wealthfare. (Well-well welfare is negative benefits for the muddled-class as in "Well, well. That is too bad.")
  2. Recognize that EBT cards are used as credit cards for illegal activities (mostly drugs). Benefits are traded 50 cents on the dollar. The intended recipients (children) do not get the intended food.
  3. Recorgnize "Walkfare" as the solution to the first two recognitions. Welfare recipients walk up to 40 hours per week inserting their EBT cards at check points to earn EBT credits. No more max benefits all at once. If the welfared won't work, let them walk. Better health. Less pro-littering by welfare moms. More incentives to get a job.
  4. Recongize Medicaid as the biggest Opiate dealer in America--see Opiate Saga.
  5. Recognize saying a pig's ear is a silk purse does not motivate independence but, instead, fuels the entitlement mentality. Too many welfare programs are renamed to not hurt the feelings of the welfared to the detriment of the recipients.
  6. Reconize "Help that not help the helpless to self-help is, in fact, not help."