TO: FROM: (FYI. NRSVP.) SUBJECT: Lifehour Credit Volunteer for 1Lastname for total lifehour credits: 7.06 [TEST] MESSAGE: Summary of activity: passed out brochures on 990902[TEST] 1, VACCOUNT: Headings Lifehours FeeFunds Donations XactsACCOUNT: Status 18.39 $8.11 $0.00 62Clock time expenditure: 25 minutes.Lifehour value of time (25 min .41 -.03 1ACCOUNT: New Balance 18.81 $8.08 $0.00 63Reported Cash Expenditure: $100.00Lifehour value of donated mone 6.64 1ACCOUNT: New Balance 25.45 $8.08 $0.00 64Total cash expenditure to date: $300Total volunteered clock time expenditure to date in minutes: 75 Volunteered resources to date for 1Lastname Cash: 300.00 Time: 75.00 Lifehours: 21.18 Dollar Value of your lifehour account at 25.45 X $15.05 = $383.14 Accounts left to recruit with full lifehour bonus: 4,994,870 Progress of Press for Better Democracy and Capitalism 5,130 Accounts, Today=1,763 2,666,121 Transactions, Today=128,201 460,286 Lifehours, Today=69,192 85,256 Earnings $ 6,927,308 Current Cost of $3 billion Leverage Buyout Of Corrupt Habitual Politicians Current Total Cost/Citizen: $.02, estimate 1 lifehour or $15.05 Current Annual Cost/Citizen: $.00, estimate of 3 minutes or $.75 TimeStamp: 020709-49464.47000001L01 MSM: Test PSU Separator =======================================================