TO: FROM: (FYI N-RSVP) SUBJECT: SuOrgFirstname SuOrgLastnaem, account information. [TEST] MESSAGE: 2FirstName 2Lastname,, sponsored you for a timism account. Your Account number is: TEST-5141 (Use your account number when recruiting and sponsoring new accounts for 5 lifehour tax credits.) Your temporary password, which you should change using account change form, is Lov29. Your account has organizational status. To activate advertising lines, visit the organization page. Your Join Date and time are: 07-09-02 @ 22:34 ACCOUNT: Headings Lifehours FeeFunds Donations Xacts Joining lifehour credits 5 lif 5.00 1 ACCOUNT: New Balance 5.00 $0.00 $0.00 1 Free initial Transaction Fees 5.00 1 ACCOUNT: New Balance 5.00 $5.00 $0.00 2 Your sponsor was credited $1 signup fee and .06 lifehours. Your sponsor 2FirstName 2Lastname,, has accumulated: has accumulated: 65.4719 @ $15.05 = $985.35 Primary Recruits : 2 Secondary Recruits: 5 Tertiary Recruits : 0 Please visit to build better democracy. Dollar Value of your lifehour account at 5.00 X $15.05 = $75.25 Accounts left to recruit with full lifehour bonus: 4,994,859 Adline #10 This is a test of number ten new ad.07-09-2002, 09:35:45 Error on Get #AdvRam ID/Spn/Ads:5141/2/1<< Progress of Press for Better Democracy and Capitalism 5,141 Accounts, Today=1,774 2,666,189 Transactions, Today=128,269 460,395 Lifehours, Today=69,300 85,403 Earnings $ 6,928,944 Current Cost of $3 billion Leverage Buyout Of Corrupt Habitual Politicians Current Total Cost/Citizen: $.02, estimate 1 lifehour or $15.05 Current Annual Cost/Citizen: $.00, estimate of 3 minutes or $.75 TimeStamp: 020709-81268.30000001a01 MSM: Test PSU Separator =======================================================