The recent deluges prompted me to think you might
like my insights into climate change. In 1982, I wrote "Oil
Droughts" in which I predicted worsening droughts with downwind deluges and
flooding. Interestingly, and importantly, in the first sentence of the second
paragraph: I stated the conclusion (based on my research at the time) that
the oil companies knew this. This conclusion has been borne out with more than
one state's Attorney General initiating litigations into what did the oil
companies know and do in the 1970s. Petro-execs echo tobacco and sugar
execs in deep-sixing industry-harming research. (In 2002, I deduced government
officials knew it as documents related to this began disappearing from Dept of
Interior and Mineral Management Service websites.)
The vast majority of climatologists,
meteorologists, etc. are one-sided, shallow thinkers with little and
limited knowledge, e.g., think of NBC's Joker Roker or WTVR's Double-D Ray.
My approach is based on a strong background in electricity, electronics,
chemistry and metabolism. In the US Navy I was the youngest electronic
technician out of 88 who helped maintain one of the first two cell phones based
on my record performance in electornic school: The phones were for the President
to conduct war if need be. In undergraduate school, I completed
a 9-month organic chemistry (the study of carbon-backed molecules) in
two months as an overload. It is worth noting that I completed U.G. requirements
at So. Illinois. University (then 29,000 students) in two years cum laude. One
semester I ace'd 24 hours--see achievements and
In graduate school, my focus was physiology and
neuro-sciences. My interest and hobby was the metabolism of CO2. From the
latter, I originally wrote in 1982 that the concern with CO2 causing warming was
misplaced because the more immediate impact would be changes in precipitation.
If you look around the world, the present 65 million refugees are not escaping
global warming but global drying while others suffer record deluges and
flooding. The Mid-East is in a record 900-year drought caused by the upwind
burning of unsalable natural gas--an average of 140 barrels of gas with each
pumped barrel of oil. Likewise the downwind Horn of Africa and Equatorial
Africa from the Saudi
Peninsula where 7 billion cubic feet of natural gas are burned each day, the
Sahara desert has moved 200 miles south since 1970 causing the loss of 1,000,000
sq miles of farmland (the US has only 800,000 total). Thus, more people in less
area are fighting over less and less. The same general dynamics (more people,
less resources) are driving the unrest here which are harbingers of
worsening days ahead. (Less resources means higher cost of living with more
people fighting over less and less. The extinction of life on earth (ELE) is
In the early 1990's you published a letter
of mine in which I said that if we don't want to see more pictures of starving
children then we need to stop irresponsibly feeding the current starving
babies.I hate being right about things going wrong. Today, the daily pictures of
dying babies are more numerous with the venus being deserts and drownings.
Mother Nature cannot afford all of us. She is exacting a rising toll. I predict
that the environmental collapse from rising CO2 will result in nuclear war
within ten years. The Syrian proxy war is a precursor as is China's not wanting
everything but just what is next door.
(Since 1978, everything I have written
or researched [30,000 articles] are digitized with a proprietary
google-like software that creates 24-variated essays/listings from
submitted parameters. What I forgot I can be reminded of when I need
Carbon dioxide is the HIV of earthly existence as
it impacts all life and most dynamics. As HIV disrupts the human immune system
to handle environmental stress so does CO2 on far greater scale and range: coral
reefs dying, blood pressure, etc. If you want a simple, concise
erudition of CO2 impact, read "CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer
Molecule." (below) I show how CO2 accounts for fewer,
but more powerful hurricanes (2002), earlier, deeper plunging polar blasts
(2007), and the AlphaTrifeca, that is, the rise of CO2 is driving the increase
in Autism, ADHD, and Alzheimers as well as allergies. Amusingly and
ironically, some people think their petrowealth will insure them from
CO2-driven environmental and economic chaos. Petrophiliacs
ignore the fact that they and their children breathe the same air: Global
warming is global drying, global dumbing and global dying (Youtube ... websegment).
I think the accelerating existential meltdown
will not reverse. The Trump phenom indicates that people will increasing go with
their low information gut reactions like the peoples of war-torn areas. We will
have less time to reflect and learn as the daily crises balloon into nuclear
mushrooms. It might require a nuclear war to save life on earth from climate
change, the Primary
Moral Imperative.
If you wonder why I am not part of academia,
government or media it is because, as a functioning autistic soul, I don't like
people who prefer personal hidden agendas over objective truth, i.e.,
bureaucratic politics. ADHD is relative. I suffer ASD, that is, attention
surplus disorder, wherein people with lower attention spans don't realize they
contradict themselves when they forget their comments that passed out of
their attention span. They forget they forgot. Recall how many times
you said to yourself, "What was I thinking a moment ago?" I remember
what others said and ask about the contradictions which prompts,"Why are you
trying to insult me by putting words in my mouth." (The average person per
McGill University study has an 8-second attention span today compared to
12-seconds in 2010--the researchers blame advent of "smart phones" for the
dumbing down.) Unfortunately for my emotions and
sanity, I find myself forced to seek active sharing of information as a matter
of self-preservation in my final years.
I enjoin you to do something with the CO2
Killer Molecule article among colleagues in other departments, e.g, science
writer. It matters not to me as I approach my eight decade on this planet.
As I can enjoy women in both beauty contests and mud-wrestling so can I enjoy
humanity striving to survive or igknowantly self-destructing. The failure of
humanity to know CO2 as a killer molecule will impact your life for more years
than mine. Recognizing in 1968 the inevitable trends now accelerating, I chose
to have no kids to worry about. I avoid, for the same reason, making friends so
as to not watch personal suffering.
If you do something with it via other staff, I will
give RTD an opportunity to have national rights to a piece of software that will
generate revenue in the six or seven figures returning a service that left
newspapers via the internet. I'd rather the revenue stream support investigative
jounalists instead of Wall Street M&M's--mansions and mistresses.
(My resume lists a $250,000 income from software I wrote for Blue Cross/Blue
Shield in the 1980's.) I don't need the money nor the associated headaches. I
have enough pennies to sail into those senior years in which I want a
safer, saner, not stormier world. Said another way, don't do anything
with this for me, do it for you and yours.
Bob Barnett
P.S. I am not running for Congress, i.e., It is a protective ruse to keep from being kicked
about by people who don't like my ideas for which I have suffered in the past.
And, if you think I am a liar then you miss the point of how lucky I have
been. If you are not interested, no need to respond. Actually, next week I am
doing a PR email broadcast to 600 media outlets. I'd rather keep it home which
is why you get a headstart de facto right of first refusal.
(It is written as a plebiscite for citizens to vote on. It will need
reformatting by another.)
People describe and predict climate change, but no one explains the
basic process behind all the changes. The common denominator is as simple
as the carbonation that makes beer, sodapop, and
Carbon Dioxide: The Global, Multi-Tasking, Killer
Summary of essays on climate change since 1982 (Listing)
Rising levels of carbon dioxide are destabilizing all levels of existence on
Planet Earth from basic atmospheric physics to mankind's cognitive capacity.
Escalating, rapid disasters index a hockey-stick curve of CO2's synergistic
acceleration of an existential meltdown of human survival.
The above not only could but should be
serialized as well as put on the wire. Otherwise, one will experience YEGO
from TMI: Your Eyes Glaze Over from Too Much Information. The co-by-liner can
have any fees unless you would take me more seriously if I said I want to
get paid. If people understand CO2 as I delineate, they will not want the
Dominion gas pipeline which will cause California-type drought, heatwaves and
My various emails to you on different topics have been to gain tentative
credibilty with you. I'll see how successful I have