Mr. Mark Britto
Senior Vice-President
Global Credit and Core Markets
2211 North First Street
San Jose, CA
Review links at Timism.com/Media/2018/PaypalCreditIncreaseRequest181104.htm
Greetings, Mr. Britto:
I would like an increase in my PayPal credit limit to assist in launching my internet service of "brainbees." Brainbees are like spellingbees where participants spellout and prioritize issues within a self-generating hierarchy of peer-review cyber "classrooms." Brainbees have numerous public and private applications.
Please take a moment to review my college transcript and resume. At what was the largest state university in Illinois at the time, I completed my U.G. requirements in just over 2 years, cum laude, with two semesters of 24 credit hours (one was all A's). My resume reflects top-shelf achievements in different fields. As I became successful, I became bored. Every 3-5 years I changed career. I retired at age 49 to focus on how to use the internet to organize and motivate people to solve our common, shared problems.
I mention these facts in hopes you will not only take me seriously but you will not confuse YEGO (your eyes glaze over). My proposals are not the confusing complexity of a garbage dump but have the simple complexity of a snowflake. Timism, the Morality of More Time, combines different fields into a single T.O.E. with several logical paradigm shifts based on quantifying the time value in events. (I probably should not have written that as I probably lost more than one reader.)
If you buy the ticket, I will fly to California to answer questions including how PayPal could make an investment beyond increasing my credit line. As to your fire-prone state, consider CO2--The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule which explains the droughts and fires.
Two brainbees have the potential of being a marketing, promotional coup for PayPal
If PayPal increases my credit limit so I can travel to sell these to a targeted high school (Stoneman Douglas, the site of the February, 2018, massacre), I will give PayPal an advertising line on the bottom of each email serving the above brainbees--eventually millions a day. (See examples of ad line on privided printouts.)
Brainbees are the super-highway to government of the people, by the people and for the people. Two key brainbees underlie this proposition: Citizen Legislation and Zero-Cost Primaries. Another area, One-Time Brainbees, will save time and money in public and private enterprises. Many of the brainbees have Dollar Democracy in which brainbee submitters pay a dollar to compete for the winnings. Cashflow for the internet service comes in many ways. In addition, money will come from adding nations and duplicating brainbees in those nations. As Senior Vice-President for Global Credit and Core Markets, Mr. Britto, you can expand Paypal's reach into new core areas.
An integral part to brainbees is an escalating reward in "lifehour credits" which can be traded, dutch auctioned, and eventually usable for tax and loan payments: If a citizen helps to solve expensive public problems then they deserve a finders fee which can be used for private problems.
Since I do not seek fame or fortune as I approach my eighth decade on Planet Earth, I have designed the growth of the internet service to benefit from another avenue. At www.NavyOrArmy.com, active duty military homestead a bonus claim of lifehour credits from $20k to $400k. Because I did not use venture capitalists, I have the company equity to do with as I think best which is to reward those who put their lives on the line for America. I anticipate a market cap of $10-$15 billion with all the shares being transfered via signups, homesteading and brainbees. When millions of Americans have billions in lifehour credits then we will have a problem-solving cyber-currency.
Please note that brainbees are creating new revenue streams not competing with existing cash sources. This internet service is a multi-faceted project that will be launched gradually from different points with cashflow from each point due to Dollar Democracy.
The requested credit increase will be used to travel to sell brainbees to the initial audiences, e,g., Stoneman Douglas High School. Currently I have $200 left on my $4500 credit limit. I would like it increased to $10k or $15k with a reset of the 6-month interest-free clause. In exchange, PayPal will receive one of the best, cheapest advertising platform it ever designed as well as right-of-first-refusal on subsequent advertising vehicles of Timism.
Robert S. Barnett
3600 Anne Street
Richmond, VA 23225
804 801-2130
Target Date: Tuesday, November 27, 2018
Promotion: Set up table on public property with two posters (attachments below)
I do not want to go through the administrators |