Robert S. Barnett
3600 Anne Street
Richmond, Virginia 23225

Mars, Inc.
6885 Elm Street
McLean, VA 22101-6031

Document location: E:\Timism.com\Media\2019\MarsCandy.htm to explore the embedded links of documentation.


Mars announced a $1 billion commitment to climate change. I can give you the best bang for your buck. Most efforts to save the Planet Earth treat the symptoms rather than the disease. Many are listed in the essay "False Hopes."

One of my favorite false hopes is planting trees.
"Green living and green plantings: For the average person to cancel this year's carbon dioxide release into the atmosphere (24,000 tons) by planting oak trees, he would have to have planted 25 acres of oak trees 25 years ago, that is, it takes 25 acres of 25 year old oak trees to capture the CO2 sinning of the average American. In a seventy year lifespan that is 1750 acres or about 3 square miles. For just one year, Americans would have to plant 7.5 billion acres or 900 million square miles. That's more land than the earth has arable land! And this is just for America's 6% of the world's population, not the rest of the world's population."

The disease is igknowance--people choosing not to no know. The essay Carbon Dioxide: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule details and summarizes the dynamics of CO2 on all levels of existence (enclosure).  This essay needs to be published. Please email employees in your climate change division to provide feedback. Mars can have a win-win in many ways on many levels by lending the money to publish this essay. (The essay can be modified to edit some stringent wording.)

Among my qualifications (resume, achievements and references) is my setting a record at the largest university in Illinois by graduating cum laude in just over two years (transcript). One semester I ace'd 24 credit hours. I completed the pre-med organic chemistry in two months as an overload.

In 1982, I wrote Oil Droughts in which I predicted the more immediate impact of rising CO2 levels on humanity would not be heat but precipation changes affecting human populations. I predicted droughts at the source of CO2 generation with downwind deluges: The CO2 would soak up water causing droughts with a "soda bottle shake" massive rain downwind. This is the worsening norm around the world. The Mid-West Bomb Cyclone and subsequent deluge were predicted in 2007, see Polar Timebomb. Mega forest fires may burn a few homes but the downwind CO2-fueled deluges destroy billions in property, business, infratructure and jobs.

See Global Dying for a listing of all the major droughts that developed downwind from developed major oil fields since the 1930s including the Dust Bowls. In early 2000s, Hurricanes for Dummies predicted fewer, but more massive hurricanes ... the new norm, e.g., Harvey, Irma, & Jose. (Listing of essays on climate change.)

A most disturbing aspects of CO2: The Killer Molecule is the "AlphaTrifecta" which details how rising CO2 is causing the rise in autism, ADHD, and Alzheimers as well as allergies and asthma. My graduate studies were in the neurosciences with my hobby being the metabolic behavior of CO2. Global warming is also global dumbing.

My atmospheric model of climate change is electro-chemical. Not only was I proficient in my chemistry courses but I scored a record high on the US Navy final comprehensive electronic exam (see resume for interesting results). Most weatherheads are mere regurgitators of NOAA feeds. I find them lazy and disgusting. I hope you have on staff a person with sufficient iCube (integrity of intellect and intelligence) to understand Carbon Dioxide: The Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule.

Pertinent to this missive is my TOE (Theory Of Everything). Since undergraduate school I have been developing Timism: The Morality of More Time. Timism shows how any event/entity can be quantified in two time variations: duration and value. The details and ramification are on-line showing how Timism is the Periodic Table of Existence. Time is the thread in the fabric of life.

Mars can help treat the disease rather than symptoms: Lend Timism the money to publish CO2: The Killer Molecule in Wall Street Journal ($175k), USA Today($125k) and Washington Post($75k). Please note the parallel webpage has a readers paying for large "lifehour credits" rewards for participating in "brainbees." In addition, supporters' email confirmation has a request to paydown your publication loan to Timism.

In addition for the loan, Mars will receive the following:

  1. An advertising line on the bottom all CO2-related emails from a rotating list of lines created and maintained by Mars with a daily upload by Timism.
  2. A promotional line at the top of the CO2 Killer essay.
  3. One lifehour credit for each dollar lent. The lifehour value is pegged at the U.S. average life hour of wages.
  4. Mars employees would be among the first to claim the large lifehour bonuses--see Business Model.

Without better democracy, better capitalism, better education and  better morality, "what needs to be done will not be done." Timism developed the steps (24in4.com) to a global effort like the WWII Manhatten Project, i.e., the Manheaven Project. Look at the Super Brainbee, one webpage that standardizes all public policy making for all countries, states, cities, towns and villages based on two unique variables: The nation's ICANN and the postal code of building where the policy-making takes place. Due to the standardization, a new nation can be added in two hours. In the process of implementation, a universal, functional currency is created, the lifehour.

I hope you recognize that the Primary Moral Imperative requires forceful action to save life on Planet Earth from climate change, chaos, and crimes.

I am available to travel to your headquarters to answer questions on a individual basis or in a group meeting. Please let me know by next Friday, April 5, for a Monday/Tuesday meeting of the following week. Given the urgency, I can come earlier. A meeting is no obligation of action on either party.

I am not a specialist who knows everything about nothing nor a generalist who know nothing about everything. I am unique in knowing what needs to be known to understand the dynamics of climate change.

Thank you for your time and consideration,

Robert S. Barnett
demcapu@comcast.net ... (804) 801-2130

P.S. Dear assistant reviewing this for your superior,

Do take advantage of visiting Timism.com and stepping thru acquiring lifehour credits for ownship of Timism credits. In 15 to 30 minutes, you should have $50,000 to $75,000 in Timism equity--see Business Model. Thereby, you will be able to better advise your superior on the merits of this proposal.

Enclosures: CO2--Killer Molecule ... Primary Moral Imperative ... Business Model ... Transcript ... Resume