Thomas A. Silvestri
Richmond Times-Dispatch
300 E. Franklin Street
Richmond, VA 23219
Dear Mr. Silvestri,
You may recall me as the person who requested the cost of publishing my tract on Decapitalism in 2018. I do believe that public awareness of it might have reduced the votes of the low information thinkers for Donald Trump. Be that as it may be, I have another request.
Attached is a handout prior to the Public Forum on Autism of January 30, 2019.
Of the latter, don't you think it would good, if not great, to have a highly functional autistic person taking questions and providing feedback to the audience? I think many parents seeing my having triumphed over the challenges of autism would give them hope ... despite my quirky eccentricities. As is, the panel has a limited perspective on autism.
Hope to hear from you by Tuesday, 5pm, January 29, 2019.
Thanking you in advance for your time,
Bob Barnett
3600 Anne Street
Richmond, VA 23225
P.S. I have provided three copies so you can get feedback in a timely manner.
Richmond Times-Dispatch: No Jounalistic Integrity