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Timism Symposium on Queen Mary II
Summary and introduction
Freedom and rights: An action that prevents or solves a time-wasting problem.
Free Speech: Hate speech is not free speech.
Free Will: Quality depends on ability to will freedom from
time-wasting problems. Yes, a lazy, igknowant person has free will but nothing
like a renaissance man or a polymath.
Free Thinker: Pursues Time-saving knowledge and values
Love: The quality of love or friendship is based on the quantity of time
that the lover gives the beloved ... not words which ring hollow.
Free things
Pro-Atheist Agnostic like the the spouse who discovers partner infidelity
but still loves and does not want to leave the best thing that ever happend
Mentality and emotions
Each thought has a time value for progress or regress.
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.
Being Perfect
Origin of Timism in undergraduate school, ROI, Rate Of Integration.
The term and concept of currency comes from "What is your time currently
Profit: Pro Esse ... forward existence ... forward time ... more time.
Profit-sharing is time-sharing of time created or saved by solving time-wasting
problem betwen problem-solver and problem-sufferer
Profit-making vs. Profit-taking
DumbFed: How Federal Reserve lowers average workweek (time) by raising interest
Capitalism is a victim of identity theft.
Politics is about solving time-wasting problems, to wit, "When politicans
make good policies then the polity in the polis will be polite without
The Ten Commandments share one theme: Thou shall not waste time.
Charles Dawin's survival of the fittest is really survival of the most
time-creative. Individuals, societies, cultures, nations and religions observe
this dictum.
Acupuncture Moralty: All learning and problem-solving has benefits distant
from the origin of the knowledge.
Meaning of Life: Be a timeful creator not a timeless cancer.
Time is the thread in the fabric of life ... the gravity of existence.