1: Timism: Morality of More Time
Time is the
in the Fabric of Life
The Periodic Table of Existence
The fingerprints and footprints of time are all over the well-trodden map
of our temporal world. One need not investigate long to find time's imprimatur
in the foundations of our thinking. Numerous are the namesakes of time in
our nomenclature. Consider the tempo of the music in our
temples. Time, as a word, is derived from Old English for a phenomenon
known for its unfailing periodicity, tide.
Timism elucidates a periodic table of existence based on the quantification and qualification of time to determine time's creation or cancer. The model is the periodic table of elements in chemistry: The table can be re-viewed from the perspective of time derived from traditional periodic parameters, e.g., atomic weights, boiling points, melting points and electrons. Time is already a factor in describing elements: half-lifes or rates of reaction. Time has many perspectives like energy which can be measured in joules, Farenheit/Centigrade/Kelvin, watts, frequency or electron mass. Integral in a unified understanding of time is stability of existence, that is, the time length that something exists as a unique, dynamic entitiy.
There are many tabular representations of the chemical elements beyond the
familiar table puzzle of rows and columns that stump aspiring chemistry,
biology, physics and medical students. A timistic perspective is more than
a new view, for it is the
basic description
into which all
perspectives can be reduced or translated. Once redefined into units of time,
one has a universal periodic table for establishing primary levels of existence.
The timistic periodic table has six primary levels of existence: mass,
life, mentality, economics, politeness and morality. The levels represent
evolutionary quantum leaps of more time creation, savings or stability. The
basic particle of matter is a
, an anagram of time,
a.k.a, neutrino. While each level evolved out of the lesser, the new level
represented a leap rather than a step in what can be described as the
dynamic density
of the entities created at the new level. Interestingly and amusingly, the
levels of electrons in an atom is a more primary example of the "ontogeny
recapitulates phylogeny" of species. Dynamic density is the entity's ability
to integrate external information to exist longer by manipulating or avoiding
the environment, that is, maintain its stability.
(Table of Levels with Disciplines)
In a very real sense, the different levels, pictures, and puzzles of life are cut from the same jigsaw pattern with the differences being a thin veneer of words painted by different people at different times in different places with different knowledge and different agendas. The differences are a tower of babel with timism being a rosetta stone.
Please note how each level is defined in objective measurements for the quantification of time.
Complete essay: ???
2: Speed of Light: Linear is an Epiphenomen
A "simple model" is proposed that the linear speed of light is an epiphenomon of the rotational speed and precession angle of the basic particle of existence. The aspects of the "standard model" or zoo can be accounted for by the simple model. It may only be an analogy for reality without basis in fact. But, at the minimum, it is a new insightful perspective. see YouTube Re-Timing Existence channel, video=Re-Timing Physics 1: Speed of Light, Rotational, Not Linear.
A number of paradoxes are resolved with the simple model. Within Timism, time is dual defined as
the clock measurement of an event and
the value of that event on other entities/events with which it interacts.
That value is the quantification or stability of time. As such, the basic unit of time or stability is gravity. This perspective underlies why Timism is the Morality of More Time, aka, the Periodic Table of Existence.
3: Principles Summary thoughts distilled of, by and for Timists.
The author of these epistles is an aging free-thinker who has many unshared gifts for which the price is better democracy and better capitalism. He has provided the descriptions and prescriptions as well as the tools to self-organize and self-reward. Damn you is your self-defined destiny if you do not put the Primary Moral Imperative at the top of your daily tasks of things-to-do. Help and thereby accumulate lifehour credits.
Bearable sacrifices today will prevent unbearable suffering tomorrow. Chaos is not across the ocean but knocking on your door. Disaster numbness is rising in a world beset by CO2: The Global Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule. The 2016 US Presidential primary is a repeat of the German 1920s fascist politics where workers numbed by economic chaos played follow the biggest mouths with das grosse luge, Trump. Humanity needs Timists, the Party of More Time to defeat the parties of more crime.
Apathy on a sinking ship is suicide ... cheerleading play is homicide ... preaching igknowance is genocide. The rewards of supporting Timism is quantified in lifehours which not only symbolize the quality of our hours of life but will serve as a cutoff metric when hockey-stick climate change dictates limiting public services to those who have self-defined as being less life worthy.
Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans can claim a party platform that echos the dynamic rhythm of existence from the rotational basis of the linear speed of light to defining high morality.
Please Donate a Loan: For limited time, two-fers of lifehour warrants and credits.
Timists: The Problem-Solving T-Party
We need not only a new party for better democracy and capitalism, but
a new currency for daily democracy and capitalism per capita.
That currency is the lifehour which you can help create by signing up and homesteading a political office. The initial high lifehour rewards for doing little is a loss leader to lead to the winning wedding of our time symbols and substance in solving our time-wasting problems. Have faith, have funds. |
Crowdfund Locals
Please note this not only an attempt to create a slate of last minute write-in
but the national, state and local hierarchy of a new political force
based on the better democracy (brainbees)
and capitalism(lifehours).