Primary Moral Imperative
Save Life on Planet Earth

Climate Hell: Here and Now
Mother Nature laughs at climate-change deniers
as she revengefully destroys their CO2-sinning lifestyles.
Oil Droughts Predicted worsening droughts with downwind deluges (1982). Evil triumphs when experts shade opinions for paychecks. Oil Droughts: 1 & 2 ... WCCO 2001: Video ,,, Letter
Global Dying List of historic and current droughts(15) due to upwind oil fields or fossil fuel foolishness, e.g., California.
Caspian Sea
East Africa


US Dustbowl 1
US Dustbowl 2
US Dustbowl 3
US South
US Southeast
West Africa

Climate Essays ...  YouTube ... Youtube: channel Global Dying ... Amazing satellite video of atmospheric CO2 variations.

Hydrophilia The simple, molecular 'smoking gun' of more droughts, fires and deluges(2018).
1 Closed-Loop Extinction Level Event: More CO2 > More Droughts > More Forest Fires > More CO2 > ad infinitum ... a recursive environmental disaster.
2 The CO2-absconded water has to go somewhere: Record-breaking deluges and floods.
3 Hurricane Debby(2024) a la Gaston(2004): Staddling coast, the hurricanes pulled in CO2 in lower left quadrant and rotated over ocean absorbing water as seen by the developing--see Hurricane for Dummies. (YouTube)
4 The disappearance of sun-reflecting clouds and subsequent higher temperatures behind heat waves is from hydrophilia stripping CO2 from reflecting particulates and forming transparent FRQ clusters.
Seasonal Derechos/Droughts Siberian Express: Seasonal U.S. West Coast atmospheric rivers or Canadian Fires and Pre-sage U.S. Midwest and East-Coast Mega-Fires ... Putin Must Go
Amazon Fires: Seasonal Central American droughts (Panama Canal and Mexico City) or deluges in Gulf States and Europe.
Australia Ying-Yang:  Prize money for allowing foreigners to rape its natural resources.
Hydrophilic Hellene and Milton
2024 and Mountain View Pipeline.
Carbon Dioxide The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule(2007)
AlphaTrifecta Increased CO2 increases autism, ADHD and alzheimers. Global warming is global dumbing aided by advertisers dumbing down viewers. (YouTube)
Hurricanes for Dummies Fewer, but bigger and more powerful (2003, YouTube)
Polar Demise Northern Hemisphere uninhabitable in a few years YouTube (2007) (youtube)
Bees Dying CO2 dessicates both plants(drought) and animals(bees).
Flash Droughts In Richmond, Virginia, one Friday morning had lush grass and green plants. Saturday afternoon had brown grass and wilted plants.
Why? A hot, dry wind was like a hairdryer on wet hair.
CO2 Cost of Humanity to
Mother Nature
Cost of living: CO2 generated for needs of life (10%).
Cost of lying: CO2 metastsized for wants of a moment (90%).
Basements, attics and garages are full of the former "must have" CO2-waste, a.k.a., our dead wants.
Sins Against
Mother Nature
Climate Lemmings: People who igknow facts as they trunch to the precipice of sudden self-destruction.
Climate Criminals: People knowingly igknowing the long-term consequence for short-term greed.
Climate Cancers: Individuals and organizaitions that cheerlead lemmings to worsen their CO2 sins.
Mother Nature No Cares ... Climate Hell Lottery: Lottery Deaths 1 & 2
Job Idiots Global Dying Test: Grow economy to die, or, slow economy to live.
Tornado Guts Mother Nature's DC motor from dissipating atmospheric electrostatic charge instead of sudden discharge (lightning) see Fleming's left-hand rule. Explains why high-rise urban areas have fewer tornados per square mile.
Employment Crisis 90% of human CO2 is for "wants" not for "needs." Reversing climate hell means 90% unemployment, or, reducing the workweek (see 24in4). Each hour of workweek reduction equates to less CO2 being generated. A homeless person generates less CO2 than a weekly 100-hour workaholic job-hogger. Historically and globally, no share jobtime is more jobless crime. Workhogs are Climate Criminals who aree working to their deaths and for the death of life on earth. Problem-solving systems are collapsing under the weight of individual and political igknowance. Mother Nature is cutting the average workweek by massive unemployment from natural disasters akin to Federal Reserve reducing average workweek by forced unemployment (see A necessary component of any climate saving process is reducing work-for-pay as the pay funds the unnecessary wants and play. We need to pre-empt Mother Nature's castastrophic work-for-pay reduction. Either we sacrifice our wants for or our needs or Mother Nature with her roulette of natural disasters will deny us both our needs and wants. Sacrifice our wants or suffer forever.

To Be or Not To Be
Igknowance Tax. Either we tax our igknowance with a Bill of Responsibility to complement the Bill of Rights or our choosing not to know will tax us to death. Climate Hell is the ultimate and final igknowance tax on humanity.
Global Fire Fighters Grassroots Break the ELE Closed-Loop: More CO2 > More Droughts > More Forest Fires > More CO2 > etc.
Petrophiliacs The love of Petrodollars behind the abuse of Mother Nature.
Hopelessness What needs to be done will not be done (YouTube). Like taxes, everyone wants others to sacrifice. Thus, no Manhattan Project to save life on Planet Earth, the Primary Moral Imperative. Our civil wars of greed and igknowance will accelerate the synergistic Existential Meltdown.


Stop Climate Suicide: Silver Bullets and Golden Dagger. (False Hopes)

On a sinking ship:
Apathy is suicide.
Cheerleading play is homicide.
Preaching igknowance is genocide.