Angela Merkel: The Bitch of Brexit

PIIGS : Unite or Be Butchered
Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, & Spain

For the third time in 100 years, Germany is driving Europe into the turmoil of international crisis and conflict. First was Prussian fascism. Next, Nazi fascism. Now, Merkel fascism. If one person was a decisive factor in Britain's exit from the European Union, it was Angela Merkel and her forced immigration policy to turn Germany into a European China using cheap imported labor.

Like China, Germany could not have become E.U. dominant without an unfair currency advantage due to a dysfunctional currency concept. While China manipulates its currency, Germany has an inherent advantage.

As implemented, the Euro currency imposes monetary colonialism on all Euro-dependent countries by the wealthiest European country--Germany. As such, Germany is able to export its inflation and employment problems. Germany destabilizes other countries via the braindrain of the best and brightest into Germany.

Brain draining is an insidious, seeming benign economic cancer. The colonizing country's problem-solving improves with more spare time and wealth while the drained country suffers the inflation from problems being solved slowly, poorly, expensively, or never. Invariably, the colonizer starts lending its excess wealth to the colonized at usury rates. This creates a vicious cycle that can only end, like all cancers, in death of the colonized and colonizer, e.g. Pax Britannicus and Pax Americanus.

Brain draining impact is obvious in how the Euro encouraged the PIIGS workers to migrate to the higher paying jobs of Germany. For instance, consider how Germany got more plumbers willing to work for less than German plumbers (over-production deflation): Voila, Germans had more money at the end of the day from cheaper plumbers.

The plumber's country of origin had fewer plumbers which results in poorer service and higher prices (shortage inflation). The latter country, opposite to Germany, has less and less excess currency for other economic activity. Slowly, the drained countries die.

Compounding the problem is how the brain-winners have excess money which they lend at usury rates to the declining economies. Thus, the monetary colonizers drain further problem-solving potential from the colonized. Every usury Euro for usurists' non-austere banquets is a theft of time that could be solving a local problem.

With a shared currency in which economies are allowed a certain deficit percentage, the larger economy actually benefits more for each percentage point--see Bucket Economics.

The most pernicious aspect of the Euro is the sex trade which provides cheaper, younger bodies to the monetary colonizers. Based on headlines, the heads of the European banks don't seem to mind this icing on the cake of usury.

Disgusting is the false, pretentious morality of Merkel in her motivation. Magnanimity is a cover story story for Germany's young body shortage for a future workforce. Germany does not have a birthrate to maintain its population which is expected to decline by double-digit millions in the coming decades with insufficient workers to maintain the social system. Two thousand elementary schools have closed in the last two decades reflecting the missing bodies. Echoing 1939-1945, Merkel wants foreign, cheap workers to maintain Germany ubes alles.

For the PIIGS to stay in the Eurozone it is a certain cancerous demise from social, economic and political chaos, e.g., Greece.

Primary Moral Imperative, Part 1

If you are wondering why this essay has been composed and distributed, the reason is global warming. We have a Primary Moral Imperative to save life on earth from human-caused climate-chaos. If cancerous necronomics continue to destroy nation after nation then there will be no international infrastructure to organize an effort to reverse what has become global dying.

Click here for the following:

  1. Whate Needs To Be Done
  2. Primary Moral Imperative, Part 2
  3. What You Can Do
  4. Timistic Analysis
  5. Index of Related Writings

Monetary Colonialism
Monetary colonialism is not without precedence. After the Second World War, and with the only major industrial economy intact, the US used the dollar to run deficits funding domestic programs by exporting dollars to colonize foreign economies. Foreigners have been organized to serve US needs rather than domestic needs, Indian businessmen exported rice while Indians were starving. The US national debt represents trillions of dollars legally stolen from foreign economies which would be in better shape had they not been monetarily colonized by the US habitual politicians. Likewise with Germany destroying the PIIGS.


Capitalism is a victim of identity theft. Economic thieves use the cover of capitalism to decapitalize production (bankruptcy) and decapitate jobs (unemployment). This is Decapitalism: Economic Bloodshed. Capitalism is not failing. Rather, decapitalists are parading as capitalists.

Necronomic fascism practices capitalism for a fewer few as it decapitalizes production and decapitates jobs--economic bloodshed. True, honest, functional capitalism is capitalism per capita. Worse than stolen valor is stolen value.

Decapitalists by field: Wall Stealers, Unrepentent Usurists, Fudging Financiers, Corporate Myops, Habitual Politicians, Tenure Economists, and Lapdog Mediacs.


The proposed and implemented unit of value within the Timism currency system is the lifehour. The word currency comes from "what is your time currently worth?" An ideal currency would, in name, emphasize this because historically usurists have divorced the symbols of our problem-solving worktime from the actual substance of our hours of life at work.

The Euro crisis is a reflection, again, of a currency being divorced from problem-solving. The problem-solvers suffer austerity imposed by usurists in other countries. The Euro was an attempt, in monetary theory, to reduce inter-border currency manipulation by domestic habitual politicians and tenured economists. In fact, as shown by repeated can-kicking, it has failed, in part, because of monetary colonialism.

The value of any economic unit (individual, family, polis, nation or worldwide) is the amount of daily time needed to acquire the necessities of life to live--not the wants from one lying about what is important. Who is a more valuable farmer, one who produces his needed food in one hour or ten hours? Family? Polis? Etc.? The lifehour value of the one-hour creator is ten times that of the ten-hour less-productive worker.

What should be the exchange rate between organized workers so as to optimize problem-solving and reduce monetary colonialism? Simple. Divide the number of hours of life needed to sustain life into the universal 24-hour day. The one-hour creator's value lifehour would be 24 while the ten-hour workers would be 2.4. This is true whether one lives in any country or any century.

With this simple formula, humanity can have the optimal currency that transends the decapitalistic legal thievery of usurists, politicians, economists, etc. This currency, if easily implemented worldwide with the internet, we can have an end to trade wars, monetary colonialism, brain drain, sex trade and economic terrorism. Most importantly, we will have a better chance of fulfilling the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on earth.

With lifehours, problem-solvers control the rewards that symbolize their worktime. With monetarism/usury, others control our fate. As the usurist Mayer Rothchild said, "Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!"

Whose money is it? Ours or not ours? Really, the question is who should own our time? Who should control it? The wealth creators or the wealth players? We need economic democracy, that is,  to wit, "No man should be governed by another without the consent of the governed." (A. Lincoln) As is, workers have no say in the de facto chains and whips used by usurists.


As it is increasingly unsafe for Europeans to travel to African and Mid-East countries, this unsafety will increasingly occur in Europe as a result of Teutonic necronomic fascism. The trend will accelerate of people foolishly trading freedom and privacy for security and safety: They will have none of the above.

Lone-wolf immigrant terrorists will share headlines with lone-wolf anti-fascist Europeans. Without an end to usury, the resurrection of the Baeder-Meinhoff and Red Brigade is only a matter of time. As Nat Turner said, "only a cataclysmic act could convince the architects of a violent social order that violence begets violence." Lone-wolf terrorists are bred by loan-wolf terrorists.


Ironically, Germany is the source of and solution to the problem. With the theoretical basis of lifehours, one can see the practical benefits of how Hitler turned Germany around in a couple of years from depressed to thriving economy. How?

[Note: This is obviously not an endorsement of Hitler or fascism. If Hitler had not done some good, he would not have stayed in power so long like Angela Merkel. One need not listen long before the echos of Aryan superiority are found in her demeanor. While 1920s/30s Germany suffered reparation taxation, in the 21st century Germany is imposing a de facto reparation tax via usury. Her economic fascism, in the end, will have the same roller coaster effect on Germans. Both are guilty of decapitalism--necronomic phlebotomy.]

Hitler alleviated the curse and burden of the gold-based reparation payments by implementing the arbeit mark which could only be traded inside Germany (before repudiating reparations altogether). Please, think about it. Was this not Timism's proposed lifehour currency in an early rendition? Lifehours are tied to one's problem-solving time which is another name for work (not organized play).

The solution to the PIIGS economic crisis is to implement arbeit marks for each economic unit via the internet. It really would be very simple, very quick and very inexpensive compared to the direct Euro costs and indirect Euro devastation.

Tenured Economists do not understand that currencies are simply "common intermediate products by which humans exchange or steal their time"--see Currency: Symbols or Substance. A currency is whatever people choose. Governments can propose, but people can oppose. Currencies kept constant and current in the worktime value are best currencies, currencies which politicians and bankers do not want. Inflation cheapens the saved symbols of worktime substance.

Fully developed, the lifehour currency system would have no coin or script, just plastic. A moneyless economy is less expensive than one with paper and metal. China is issuing each citizen plastic so as to do away with comparatively expensive currencies with high manufacturing and usage costs. Are the PIIGS as smart as China?

As to creating a new currency tied to the value of a life hour at work, consider the new internet currencies that are tied to nothing except end-users trust: BitCoin, etc. Or, the usurists' hat trick of generating numbers out of thin air with the backing of bonds metastasized for the occasion. Amazon has implemented a private currency system with others rushing to upload their own brand of currency. Airlines have their own currency system called frequent flier miles.

Any business that extends credit is creating currency out of thin air. Furthermore, per the definition of currency as the intermediate product by which humans exchange time, trust is being created or metastasized. The inflationary, dysfunctional currencies of habitual politicians, tenured economists, and monetary usurists are untrustworthy like a merchant who charges usury rates or cooks the books. The Euro is proof positive of negative, necrotic currencies. Lifehours are the most trustworthy, truthful and functional currency that can be created out of thin air to hold current the wealth of time from solving time-wasting problems.

If drug dealers and habitual criminals can have a private currency (BitCoins), why cannot the PIIGS eliminate the usurists' funny money taxed by usurists' interest fees? All those plastic gift cards in shops that one can purchase with a country's currency are forms of private currency. A business can have its own currency ... but the PIIGS don't ... or, won't. Silly PIIGS!

It is important to note that creation of a lifehour currency system is easy, too easy. If not matched with better democracy and capitalism [of which this writer has the roadmap], a lifehour system will extend moral corruption a little longer before the basic cancer kills the system.

What Needs To Be Done

Like the dynamics of all historical cancerous colonial relationships (Persia, Babylon, Rome, India(repeatedly), China(repeatedly), Russia, Britain, France, etc.), the collapse of the colonial empires cause chaos in both the colonizer and the colonized.

  1. Without a peaceful transition away from the dysfunctional usurists' Euro to a more viable, functional and ideal currency (the lifehour), the dreamed-for European unity to prevent war will metastasize into a nightmare which has already begun with internal terrorism catalyzed by Germany's monetary colonialism.
  2. Without a peaceful transition, the more important issue of saving life on earth from climate-chaos (the Primary Moral Imperative) will be impossible as it is impossible for the growing number of refugees to contribute to their survival let alone to help the survival of planet earth.

Therefore, a conference will be held of the PIIGS to initiate a united front to de-time the Euro not only for domestic tranquility but to save life on earth. We need to stop the German re-nazification of Europe via the usury of the Euro.  For more echos of the Nazi past, see "Those who don't learn from the past are doomed to repeat it" aka, Merkelism.

Hitler forced an exchange rate that over-valued the German mark so Germans could buy foreign stuff on the cheap. Sounds familiar in 2015. Then people clearly saw the evil. Today, it is hidden behind champagne toasts, lavish dinners and Nobel Prizes in Economics. The latter rewards organizing legal thievery. The Euro not only fuels brain drain but fosters the body drain of sex trafficking. A embezzling accounting leech is a minor blood-sucker compared to the Euro tapeworm infesting all economic bodies.

The solution is not bankruptcy or cutting the debt principle. The long-term solution follows the Timism 3-Part Roadmap.

Primary Moral Imperative, Part 2

If humanity tries to finance saving life on earth with usury/monetarism, a few will have big bank accounts before they die after the rest of humanity. Usury is a main factor for breakdown of societies. People in refugee camps do not care about global warming or dying when they are worrying about their next meal.

As a financial tool to fund the cost of crises, usury was critical in destroying the British Empire as the costs of WWI and WWII were funded by borrowed money with inflationary user fees. As Churchill said, "Never was so much owed by so many to so few."

Never has so much interest-bloating debt been owed by so many persons, businesses and nations as today. The PIIGS and Portugal is not alone: China faces an abyss of debt. Interest on the US national debt is over 30% of tax collections and rising. Will the habitual politicians and corporate myops wake up and change the system before they and theirs become the target of uncountable lone wolves? The 3-Part Roadmap is part of the answer.

A favorite quote from readings in the 1970's is

"Nothing made the German people so embittered,
so raging with hatred, so ripe for Hitler,
as the Inflation."

Hitler first encourage foreign workers with higher wages than those static or declining wages engendered by Nazi occupation (Euro occupation). Next he initiated policies that forced foreign workers to move into Germany. Germany is like the drug dealer who after destroying a neighborhood offers loans at loan-shark rates with demands of borrowers' austerity while eating cake.

Angela Merkel, does this not describe what you are doing to Europe? You are the dioxin of the necronomic cancer cheapening the mass of European humanity. Germany and you will learn once again that fascism imposed on others, in any form, is a boomerang hell-on-earth. Humanity needs a Joan of Arc, not a ghost of Buchenwald.

If the PIIGS succeed in implementing lifehour currencies then they can help save Germany from itself.

Primary Moral Imperative #3

Angela Merkle should be tried by an internationl tribunal for crimes against life on earth with summary execution if found guilty. Her claim of moral motivation for catalyzing the flood of economic refugees into the Euro zone is totally false as she is interested in importing a younger generation to supplant Germany which has the lowest birthrate among industrialized nations. Her action is making her one of the biggest (and unnecessary CO2 sinners in the world which means she is speeding up global dying by increasing CO2 sinning per capita as seen in the following table.

(160625: Law of unintended consequences: If there was a tipping point in the UK's vote to exit the Euro Community [Brexit], it was the immigration flood into the UK. Who was responsible for this flood? Angela Merkle! Once again, the road to hell is paved with good intentions from bad values, aka, morality without practicality is immoral.)

Before reading further, the reader is encouraged to review the following overviews of CO2:

  1. CO2: The Killer Molecule
  2. CO2 is a currency killing life on earth
  3. United Nations: Pro-Litter Terrorist Organization sine qua non
  4. Nobel Prizes: Organized Crimes Against Life on Earth

[CO2 column is metric tons per capita. Ratio German increase of CO2-sinning. 1MM is CO2-sinning metric tons if all immigrants go to Germany. Figures from Wiki]

Country CO2 Ratio Increase
Per Capita
Metric tons
1MM: If one million refugees
Germany 9.11



n.a. How appropriate: Echos Sept 11, 2001.
Afghaistan 0.29



8.82 million metric tons
Syria 2.87



6.24 million metric tons

Hitler killed millions. Merkle is fueling a global holocaust to not only kill billions but to kill life on earth. All the Merkle-like careless carers helping the migrants are guilty of paving the road to hell with good intentions from bad values. They will suffer from Merkle Droughts, Merkle Floods and Merkle Terrorists that spring out of this deluge of middle-class refugees with rolexes and braces who will not fight for their own homes. Also see "Those who don't learn from the past ..." for a comparison between Nazi and Merkle economic policies.

What You Can Do

Remember that necronomic cancers like the Euro catalyze crime, riots, terrorism and war.

  1. Please email this missive to:
    1. Friends, media, politicians, educators and unions.
    2. Unions: Please email to your members
    3. Media: Publish or summarize as OpEd
    4. Politicians: Send your finance ministers to Richmond, Virginia.
  2. Please copy to your website since it is expected that the economic fascists will close down this site.

Timistic Analysis

For the Primary Moral Imperative, it is important to note the role of Timism, the Morality of More Time, in analyzing the problem and proposing the solution. Time is the thread in the fabric of life. When one can convert archaic discipline-dependent vocabulary into a universal, heuristic language, one can solve more problems.