Boycott: Iowa and New Hampshire

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As many people know, the later U.S. presidential primaries do not matter inasmuch as the early primaries determine who gets the "Big MO: Money and Momentum."

If it were the case that the early state caucuses and primaries were representative of the U.S. as a whole, it would not matter. However, is corn-country Iowa a genuine cross-section of the U.S.? Or, a center for conservative farm supports? Likewise with New Hampshire and other states. In Iowa, the majority of the caucauses are being organized by conservative religious groups. Another example

  1. of how the power of prayer does not work in church and home and
  2. of why we need a more specific separation of church and state.

We need regional primaries that begin on the same day limited to people who reside within the region. Timism has provided the framework by which using brainbees beginning July 4th of the election year, each region (9 total) can have one candidate for the fall election. September will be for brainbees listing the shortcomings of the candidates with October having 4 debates. Using VoteTime on the general election day, each region will be able to prioritize their choices with the homeregion candidate not being on the region's ballot.

If no candidate gets 50%, the top two will be in the run-off election held one week later. All media will provide, as public service, a set amount of air time and rag ink to each candiate for a one-time presentation of the candidates top priorities and solutions.

Anyone who says that the Timism regional primaries is undemocratic and unfree igknows the CO2-sinning of the present system, the role of the money-dictators, and the unfree imprisonment to non-ending negative campaign ads.

How do we boycott Iowa and New Hampshire for starters:

  1. To toss any resume from anyone who graduated from an Iowan school, college or university.
  2. To buy gas before driving across Iowa.
  3. To not sleep in an Iowan hotel or motel.
  4. To not book or attend a convention in Iowa.
  5. To submit the names of house owners who host caucuses with the undertanding at the gene pool level they will be denied the benefits of timism, e.g., loan refinancing and community-based healthcare.
  6. To boycott any media outlet that says caucuses are more important than regional primaries.
  7. If Iowan, to not buy a new car until caucuses are banned. Anyone who buys a new car after one millin pledgers loses the right to timism benefits, see above.
  8. I recognize that all this eternal campaigning constitutes unnecessary CO2-sinning by campaigns. Campaign aides lose the benefits to timism.

If you get a resume, toss. and email back to applicant that you are boycotting Iowa graduates.

If we do not boycott those who are destroying our national democracy for their "states rights" despotism then we will not have a nation for the PMI.

When Iowa suffers economically greater than the quandranial influx of media spending and campaign spending, then Iowans will stop cheapening our democracy for pieces of silver.

Iowa and New Hampshire can cancel the boycott by announcing the end of caucuses and primaries with a commitment to participating in regional primaries.
