In response to the stockmarket crash and investor losses,
In giving trillions in 2009 to the arsonists |
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If you buy a car and duplicate its title to sell to several people, you go to jail. But, if you buy a corporation and duplicate the titles of ownership (stock) to sell to middle-class savings and pensions as stock options or IPOs, you go on vacation with your mistress. Wall Street hi-jacked the terms and tools of capitalism to decapitalize production (bankruptcies) and decapitate jobs (un-, under- and mis-employment). Capitalism is not failing since it is not near the scene of the biggest bank robbery in history: 401ks. Stock options are the death certificate of America's economy.
Decapitalism: Economic Bloodshed Does possession of a gun make one a protector or a murderer? Depends. Likewise with the symbols of capital: stocks, bonds, currency and real estate.
This analogy merely restates the maxim that one can steal more with a briefcase than with a gun. Decapitalism depreciates human time while capitalism appreciates the human lifehour. One is creative of more freedom, more time and more morality while the other is cancerous of humanity. If humanity does not kill decapitalism then decapitalism, in ever greater numbers, will daily decapitate human beings .