IndexDirs(All):\ *\ * InfoLinks ABCIndex? > GlobalDying > Data*.*
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Docs: 7 ... Refs: 0 ... Imgs: 12

Documents in this directory: 7 Top
filename Uploaded L Title (No Orphans)
1950sD 071111 H The Drought of the 1950s
Drough 071111 H Oil Drought FootNotes
Figure 071111 H Figures and Graphs of CO2
IndexM 071111 H Maps, Index
Precip 071111 H Precipitation Anomalies
Prevai 071101 H Prevailing Winds
WindPa 071111 H Global Wind Patterns
A2zhdrLinking inc
No References Top
Images in this directory: 12 Top
filename L Title (No Image ThumbsNo Orphans)
AsiaMa J AsiaMapNatGeog.jpg
CO2lev G CO2levels600MilYears-JunkScienceCom.gif
Earth- G Earth-Brown-ani96.gif
Earth- G Earth-Green-ani2.gif
Earth- G Earth-Shell-ani99.gif
Earthw G EarthwClouds.gif
Easter G Easterlies.gif
Natura G NaturalGasProduction-1987-2-oil360-org.gif
NoAmer G NoAmericaPetroDepositsBritannica.gif
RainFa G RainFallAmountsmap0102Crop.gif
TradeW G TradeWinds250.gif
USDrou G USDroughtFeb2000.gif
A2zhdrLinking inc
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