Global Warming: "Live with It" Geo. Talker Bush

When Bush finally and grudgingly admitted that global warming was occuring, his response was "Live with it." The 40,000 residents of Denver, Colorado, who were asked to evacuate before an approaching unprecedented monster fire failed to follow Bush's instruction. Bush may have learned to live without alcohol but it would be a good example if he'd show us how to live without water.You can't live with drought and fire. You burn and die.

Live with

  1. Food chain destruction: No crops between drought and deluges of H2O as well as no bees.
  2. Diseases : more and meaner
  3. Alpha-Trifecta

Also see Jeremiah Warnings

Quality Control Tools for Higher iCube ... Frog Leaping.
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 > #1 bees 071101 Bee Colony Disappearance Explanation: Dehydration
 > #2 Alpha-Trifecta 071101 Alpha Trifecta: Alzheimers, Autism, ADHD
 > #3 Jeremiah Warnings 071101 Jeremiah's Warnings
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