Orphans of GlobalDying\RecordsNew\!R-Drought
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  1. HTM 2009 Record Dry Start Worries Farmers Firefighters
  2. HTM A Drought For Ages
  3. HTM Arabs on Holiday Say, 'Rain, Rain Don't Go Away'
  4. HTM Driest Year Ever L A*
  5. HTM Drought2002 Ovu*
  6. HTM Drought Flood*
  7. GIF DroughtWorldMap0211--ColumbiaEd.gif
  8. HTM Dying for Water in Somalia's Drought
  9. HTM Fixing Glades Renewed With Ongoing Drought
  10. JPG LakePowellDroughtPowerPlant041003USATODAY.jpg
  11. HTM Last Years Floods Give Way To Drought*
  12. HTM Drought makes Louisiana feel more like Texas than subtropics
  13. HTM Nevada Faces Drought
  14. HTM Relentless N Carolina Drought Could Be Devastating In2008-
  15. HTM S E-Exceptional Drought Spreading
  16. HTM Texas Agricultural Losses From Drought
  17. HTM Urges Prayer For Rain Alabama Governor
  18. HTM Worsening Drought Expected
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05-22-2015 @ 05:30:27