LBO Day: Leverage Buy Out Day

As a necessary step, the final step in solving problems,

  • for the peaceful transfer of public problem-solving power
  • to the problem-suffering populace,
  • a leverage buyout of the habitual politicians
  • has been initiated using tentative tax credits (lifehours)
  • to motivate and reward the citizens
  • who invest time into creating better democracy and capitalism.

When the habitual politicians no longer mismanage the national and international affairs of good Americans, that day will be the LBO Day. On that day, a number of things will be initiated:

  1. Million Lifehour Bonus Awards to winners
  2. Special Bonuses
  3. 401k bonuses
  4. Implementation of on-line democracy and capitalism
  5. Amortization of earned lifehour tax credits for redemption over twenty years
  6. Special use of lifehour tax credits for college or home costs
  7. Transfer of lifehours

Bonuses are based on the dates and times established by the account with a review of whether the account fufilled the requirements for the award.

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'Links To': Pages linked to by this page: ( (IndexDir ... Refs General ... !RefsRvu ... !Dir.nts) InfoLinks (05-22-2015@07:28) IndexAD1.bas:LinkLstToTable
Link Label on this page Uploaded Webpage Title of Link file
(A) No Incomplete Links:
(B) HTTP:// Links:
 > #1 Twit16.jpg> ext=LSE http:\\\Brainbeesclass=twitter-follow-buttondata-show-count=false
(C) No Dated Links: Annotated References: HTB
(D) No Templates:
(E) No Internal Links, Absolute (non-dated):
(F) Internal Links, Relative (non-dated and ignore lifehour credit links):
 > #1 lifehours 071101 Lifehours Index of Webpages
 > #2 Special Bonuses 071101 Lifehour Bonus Types
 > #3 Transfer Upload 021012 Trading Lifehours
(G) Current Directory Links
 > #1 leverage buyout 071101 Leverage Buyout of Habitual Politicians

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