(Loc: Timism.com\Media\2016\ClimatePrediction16Jan20.htm)


Your climate predictions will never be accurate without consideration of an electrical-chemical process, CO2/H2O fusions/fission. This is the basis of the Organic Thesis of CO2 caused climate changes and extremes. Equally important is the need to assess the CO2/particulate ratio described below.

As a lay researcher who abdicated from academia, my first climate change essay was inn 1982--Drought Forever--in which I predicted, based on the organic thesis, more and longer droughts with downwind deluges. Additional research and essays were written showing the predictive power of the organic thesis.
  1. Hurricanes for Dummies(2002)--fewer, but proportionally more power storms echoed in other atmospheric systems
  2. Polar Timebomb(2010): Earlier, deeper plunging and longer lasting polar blasts
  3. Bees Dying(2007): Due to CO2's hydrophilia exerting a dessicating impact on bees' metabolism.
  4. Alpha Trifecta(2007): How rising CO2 increases rates of autism, ADHD, and Alzheimers as well as allergies and asthma.

    For a simple list of essays, click here. For the original list of the droughts caused by upwind CO2 generation--the basis of the organic thesis--click CO2 Matrix.of Global Dying.
My qualifications for your review: achievements and resume.
I am initiating a campaign for the U.S. Congress to add to the public awareness of not only climate change but how Capitalism is a victim of identity theft: Financiers have hijacked the terms and tools of capitalism to cause bankrupcies and unempoyment, that is, decapitalize production and decapitate jobs. Decapitalism is economic despotism metastasizing capitalism for a fewer few.

Without saving the world's middle-class there will be no universal effort to reverse global dying. More and more the middle-class will go the way of the Syrian middle-class which does not worry about climate change as they wonder about their next meal.

I encourage you to share this missive with your email base. There models will be better. I veiw computer modelers as computer phrenologists, that is, attempting to predict without the inside knowledge. Or, as I like to analogize, akin to the pope writing a book on intimacy after listening at the door of a roomful of orgies. Probably, like my prior missives to others, you will consign this to your NIH dustbin.

Warmest regards--but nothing like the forthcoming unending heatwaves,

Bob Barnett
The following is being sent to over 500 members of the American Metereological Society including many NOAA and NASA staffers. It really is a wormhole to a better understanding of atmospheric dynamics based on a TOE, Timism: The Morality of More Time (or, the periodic table of existence).