Reforms by Re-Timing and De-Timing

  1. Goverments Manage the Time of the Governed
  2. Tax Retiming: Product Transaction Tax
  3. TimeTax: Direct Taxation
  4. Amendment to U.S. Constitution
  5. Pardons (BB)
  6. Ostracism (BB)
  7. Crowdfund State Legislators

Goverments Manage the Time of the Governed

One of the strengths of timism as a heuristic tool is finding parallels or self-similarities at different levels of existence thereby providing new perspectives on understanding and solving problems. For instance, governments are the policy-making process at the 5th level of the periodic table of existend, that is, Politeness. Or, the lack thereof: When politicians ...

Governments are in all of their actions managers of the time of those who are governed. By the politicians laws, taxes, regulations and examples, they shape and direct the time of the polity in the polis. In singularity and generality of time being the central, common theme of politicians' legal or moral actions, they echo the next level down on the periodic table, ecos nomos which is Greek for home laws or home management. (Home economics as a high school course is a redundancy.)

In the home, if the parents do not productively govern the time of their offspring then the latter will be counterproductive. Likewise with the politicians in the White House, Senate or House. A personal example from this writer's past emphasizes the time-management of the politicians.

His mother had eight kids in nine years beginning when she was fifteen during which time the father of the first five disappeared with a second husband fathering three more. She simply lost more and more control of her life and future with each child for which she received a bigger welfare check (that she mostly spent on herself). She consistently ran away from her problems which usually meant she did not stay home with the kids she procreated. Unmanaged, the kids mostly fended for themselves with little communal problem-solving. The houses were a mess. By houses, it is meant that my mother's failure to pay rent after the first month meant eviction by the second or third month. (One sibling counted 68 address changes by her eighteenth birthday). Needless to say, the houses were not palatial when we moved in and less so afterwards due to how the kids wasted both their time and the houses. In recollection, there were incidences of filth that this writer would not share with another person.

Time. The kids did not have a good time manager as repeatedly shown by an aunt or cousin who would come by on a Saturday with the goal of organizing the kids into a cleanup brigade. By the end of the Saturday visit, the house sparkled with the kitchen spotless, the rooms clean and the kids laughing. On those days, we were rich in spirit and poor in dollars. On the rest of the days, we were poor in both spirit and money.

As this writer's mother could have 24/7/365 organized our time to have a rich home, so should the governing policy-makers pass laws, taxes and regulations that organize the govern to be productive of a richer economy and richer spirit. They are not doing this. Their focus is self over nation, state, or community. Their focus is re-election. In their being habitual polticians, we, the governed, suffer habitual problems which worsen with each re-election cycle.

In summary, people talk about Washington not observing the rules that govern a home, e.g., escalating deficit spending. More importantly is why the habitual politicans have to expand the money supply via money or bond presses to fuel the public debt. Why? They don't assess the time impact on the governed when they pass de facto private laws for their campaign contributors in the form of privileges, privitization and private monopolies. They don't ask the moral question of "Can everyone profit (pro esse, forward life) from this law or tax?"

Tax Retiming: Product Transaction Tax
Fair and Equitable.

The following is a tax system that is simple, fair and automatic:

  1. All bank transactions are taxed a flat rate equal to the rate of government cost to size of economy. Collected taxes are transferred daily
  2. Non-bank transactions are processed by an internet link.
  3. The tax is divided among the taxing units of the buyer and seller based on their zip codes.

This real-time system is automatic. No paper work. No stress. Every product transaction that benefits from economic stability pays its fair share. The taxes are allocated to the local, state and federal units.

The system observes and implements the following principles.


  1. All economic transactions pay a simple flat fee for each service, collected either by the banking system or by reporting on-line.

  2. With a real-time, automatic collection of a flat fee, no more paper collection, management or frustration.

  3. With a real-time, product transaction tax, we can cut the cost of government by six percent.

  4. With a real-time, product transaction tax we can have more time for self, family and community in less stressful world that is safer and saner.

We Need A Time Tax

The dollar is dying. We cannot tax the jobless in dollars to solve problems. We need a time tax: Able-bodied persons work part-time community job for healthcare. Obamacare is a self-cancer that will not last. Only a community service based healthcare will provide both healthcare and community services: A win-win! With the healthy jobless working, there will be fewer idle minds which are the workshops of the devil.

Constitutional Amendment
for Better Democracy

When in the course of history,

as put forth in this Constitutional Amendment. The foundation of this amendment is the following two principles.

1. The role of government is recognized, herein and timistically, as the universal manager of the time of the governed whose consent to be ruled must be observed and current. Government is in the business of time management through laws, regulations, taxes and mentoring. The mandate of government is to maximize the quality and quantity of free time in the governs' hours of lives (lifehours)by maintaining a body of laws to optimize the level of capitalism and democracy to profit the citizens. When the politicians make good policy, the polity in the polis will be polite and polished without the need of police.

2. Capitalism rewards the individual for using his capita to solve his problems. Essential to pure capitalism is a common, intermediate product (currency) by which citizens can exchange their problem-solving hours of life, elsewhere and elsetime. With a stable currency that transcends the boundaries of nations and centuries, a government has given its citizens penultimate productivity. The only form of productivity that exceeds a currency tied to the citizens' lifehours is optimal democracy. With optimal democracy, citizens can solve their common time-wasting problems effectively and efficiently to fulfill the literal meaning of problem. Democracy is the ultimate productivity.

Legislative Enhancements

Legislative Lies:

  1. Does Congress represents the people: No, the habitual politicians in Congress re-present the issues of special friends and cronies for re-election till rich, dying or dead.
  2. Congress has the best people for national interests. No
  3. Congress is a deliberative body. No, they don't read or debate the laws that they pass, for they spend most of their time seeking re-election campaign funds.
  4. Congress votes their conscience not their campaign. No, this is a lie repeated by people who lack intelligence, integrity or investigations.

Without correcting these lies, America will suffer the life decline from a life of lies.

For plebiscite brainbee on Constitutional Amendment, click here. Earn lifehour credits for helping define humanity's future.



Crowdfund State Legislators

Please note this not only an attempt to create a slate of last minute write-in candidates,
but the national, state and local hierarchy of a new political force
based on the better democracy (brainbees)
and capitalism(lifehours).