Many problems remain unsolved:
the effort to document and define
them doesn't seem worthwhile.

Self-managing problem-solvers want instant access to needed information. If the knowledge is not in their heads then they want it quickly. A computer with a database can be faster in providing information than rows of bookshelves in a large library.

Self-managing problem-solvers want to be logical in accessing information, progressing from the general to the specific. A computer program can help the genuine problem-solver organize questions and decisions to serve the customer better.

Self-managing problem-solvers try to minimize the necessary paper work to account for time and charges. Overcharges and undercharges occur when accurate accounting is absent. Both conditions are detrimental to the long-term financial survival of the individual and his company.

Aesop has a structured knowledge base and user interface which organizes customers' services for easy billing in only a few keystrokes. Instant access, assistance and accounting increase productivity. That's what Aesop offers, fingertip productivity.

Time and Problem Management

Once on the job, a self-manager stays busy by solving immediate problems or by learning future solutions. Aesop helps a person allocate his time among different enterprises, businesses and jobs. Aesop simultaneously and automatically improves the problem-solver's abilities and rewards. The act of working smarter is matched by quantified rewards.

As noted previously, problems have two time variables: the time wasted and the time to solve. The difference is the true human profit. The time to solve a problem depends not only on the motivation of the individual but on his level of knowledge or education. Knowledge itself is quantifiable in terms of time, the amount of time required to acquire the education. Knowledge increases the value of a person's life hour. A doctor's life hour is worth more than that of a high-school dropout on death row.

Aesop increases the quality of a person's lifehour* in two ways. First of all, fingertip productivity reduces the time needed to acquire sufficient information to solve a pressing problem. This is true whether one is an expert or a novice. Secondly, well-organized information with self-pacing learning accelerates a person's growth. Employees become experts faster.

Businesses are, in essence, problem-solving services. People buy the time of business personnel to fulfill needs and solve problems. This interpretation of business activity is the core of AESOP's philosophy for organizing and rewarding people. AESOP Services is a system for most any business, a problem-solving approach for different human needs.

As a problem-solving service, AESOP's billable jobs, projects and corporate structure are a series of more complicated but organized problems. This hierarchy of responsibilities and rewards reflects the complexity of the problem being solved for the customer. In this interpretation of business activity, typing a customer's letter is a problem. Typing a letter, however, is part of a larger problem or project which has the additional elements of typing an envelope and preparing an invoice. Even more complex is managing a personalized mailing of numerous letters which requires more time and knowledge and should be correspondingly rewarded.

Problems can be quantified by the dimensions of time and knowledge. More time and knowledge is required to manage an office than type a letter. Therefore, office management is a bigger problem than typing a letter. At AESOP, employees are assisted and prodded to become knowledgeable and patient. They handle more complex customer problems and corporate challenges, and they are rewarded.

Enterprise Selection

Aesop is applicable to many human organizations. The flexibility stems from its analysis of human beings solving problems using time and knowledge. The standardized formats for job description and project structure allow one to write-up a business plan that is also a training, bookkeeping, accounting and motivation system.

Once standardized within the database, access to the organization is obtained with quick fingertip changes. The enterprises of human activity for which Aesop was specifically designed are banking, employment, care, information, leasing, maintenance and office. "Test" is a special enterprise which allows an employee to review properties of the program in real-time interaction without disrupting the integrity of actual business data.

Within one physical location using one network, more than one legal enterprise can be operated. Each legal entity has its own set of financial "books." An enterprise consists of several related businesses.

Businesses Managed

Within Aesop's model of organization, businesses are a collection of related jobs. The primary and flagship enterprise of AESOP-- Office Services--has the following businesses:

Administration              Graphics
Bindery                        Mailings
Bookkeeping                Printing
Copying                       Publishing
Expansion                    Typing
Fax                              Word Processing

Word Processing A business is not limited to only one enterprise. Its goods and services can be part of different enterprises. All AESOP enterprises use the administrative and bookkeeping business knowledge base. The copying, typing and word processing businesses are common to the separate enterprises' internal controls and cost accounting.

The Office enterprise contains the core services that any company needs. These business services are the flagship services of AESOP from which Aesop will expand into other services without having to waste time and money re-inventing the basic corporate structure to support the services which the customer buys.

Job Departments

Each AESOP business is organized into standardized job departments. The job departments are:


Customers seeking the services of a particular business tend to have certain questions. The answers job department has simple, short standardized answers with detailed explanations. Common errors (and how to prevent or correct them) are detailed. The answers department is for customer relations.


For a business to be ready to serve its customers, certain in-house jobs must be performed on a regular basis, e.g., daily, weekly, and monthly. These duty jobs are automatically assigned by the Auto-Manager program to a person with sufficient competence to handle the complexity.


Unlike skills which require specific training, knowledge of a business helps an employee to better organize and coordinate skills. The education job modules teach the principles behind business. With education, one sees the forest, while skills are merely the trees.


Different businesses require different documents and forms, e.g., resumes in career business, tax forms in administration, and OSHA forms in printing. The forms job directory contains these documents as well as common files such as mergable letter master forms for each business.


If the public is not aware of a business, then the business will not survive. The market jobs are for assessing the market and advertising to develop public awareness.


Good policies and procedures promote responsible, self-managing performance. The policy jobs are readily accessible for quick sharing with a poor performer. They are the refined product of trial and error.


Quality is important in running a business, warranting its own job function. The quality department of a business contains jobs for insertion in project sequences to ensure quality control, e.g., peer preview, peer review and customer approval.


The supply job department contains the means for obtaining office and/or customer items sold for retail or mail order sale. With the supply feature, Aesop can administer wholesale, retail, and mail-order businesses.


The training department contains practice jobs to learn specific skills to perform a service.


The work department contains jobs that are billable for the customer or for internal cost accounting.

AESOP has the same organization of job departments customized to each business. Once an employee understands the organization in one business, he is cross-trained in accessing, assisting and accounting for goods or services in all businesses. This is akin to the jigsaw puzzle maker who can work with any puzzle that has been cut from his master pattern.

To clarify the organization to this point:

AESOP consists of different enterprises that are composed of businesses.

All businesses are organized into a standard number of job departments which contain job modules and project macros.

Job Modules

Job modules are the building blocks of all activity at AESOP. They inform, guide, assist and record activity. They play the role in Aesop similar to the role played by the building blocks in life: DNA. Like DNA, which codes and organizes life, the job modules code and organize the higher units of organization within Aesop (projects, businesses and enterprises).

In many ways, the job modules offer greater richness and variation than DNA. The basic code of DNA is a three-field record or code. The basic code of Aesop, the job module, has twenty-five fields with as many variations, in most cases, as the human mind can consider. The job module codes indicate what, when, who and where in a unique sequence.

Programmers or system analysts of the old school may object to the number of these fields because of the memory and storage requirements and possible sluggish performance. However, computer performance-price ratios double every six months, while these human ratios have doubled only a couple of times in recorded history. It is better to anticipate and program for improvements in computer performance than for improvements in human performance.

Aesop performs its functions through the richness of the job modules. This richness underlies the elegance and simplicity of the user interface. This flexibility may intimidate some people. Most of it works without a user knowing that it is there. End users need not fear the complexity of the modules. Only the computer and business programmers need to learn and polish the job modules.

Business Programming: Knowledge Base Development

"Business programming?" Computers have progressed through different language levels, and, one can argue, different levels of business programming. Initially, binary programming used "0"'s and "1"'s. The next or second level of languages was the assembly languages; with Assembler, one could create and enhance a functional program more quickly than with binary code.

Third generation languages include BASIC and COBOL; again, faster programming and easier enhancements were the result. With the fourth level languages, e.g., dBase and Lotus 123, the need for formally trained programmers ceased to be crucial: Businessmen started writing their own programs.

While a businessman's program may not be as clean as a trained programmer's software, it is quick and effective. Also, a programming businessman eliminates the time and cost of teaching the programmer the subtleties of his business operation. Which is more complicated and takes longer to learn: computer or business skills?

Each new and higher language allows people without traditional, formal programming skills to automate some human activity. Lotus 123 and dBase became popular in the business environment because business people could quickly access information without having to work with and wait for a programmer.

Aesop can be considered a sixth generation Language. High school students can intelligently use and modify it. In a sense, organizing a business within the Aesop business job modules is like writing a business plan which immediately is also an operational manager for the business. At AESOP, high school students are an integral part of the development and review process. Using untrained but motivated youths demostrates that persons with little education can organize and run a business.

In short, while it seems complex in organization, Aesop does not have the complexity of a garbage dump but rather that of a snowflake: simple, logical progression. Its organizational strength and ease goes beyond lower level languages in antiquating the computer programmers: experienced programmers are not necessary. With the easy-to-use, self-molding nature of the database, a motivated, untrained group can quickly outpace a competitor run by business school graduates using traditional forms of management.

How is DNA like an Aesop job module? Both are databases containing instructions for activity. Both assist on-going activity. Both are records of the activity. DNA slowly changed over time. Aesop's job modules change to reflect the custom requirements of the customer and the marketplace.

While the DNA job code has three fields that are fixed in length, many of the fields in a job module are variable in length. The summary and detail fields of the job help the employee learn or re-learn the fullness of the job. Job modules can be modified in the database while using them to reflect any insight. Similarly, other variable-length fields contain questions to customize the instructions for the customer's need.

Aesop takes advantage of faster processing and larger memory to provide readily apparent descriptors. The programmer and user can direct their attention to new applications or better service rather than being sidetracked by unclear codes known only to the accounting department.

Project Macros

Project macros are files in a job department that are read by Aesop. The macro files contain a sequence of job modules that correspond to a progression of common, interrelated services needed to satisfy a customer's general request. For instance, the typing of a letter of correspondence has the following modules

letter setup,
keyboard entry,
spell checking, and
envelope typing.

Project macros are a strong tool in helping partially experienced individuals manage more complex tasks; they guide and prompt decisions in a logical manner. The write up of the customer's request is complete.

Project macros, to continue the genetic analogy, are like genes, that is, they contain codes. The genes for tomatoes are different from the genes for human beings. Similarly, the project macros for resumes are different from those for printing. As genes repeatedly access the same base coding, so can project macros employ job modules over and over.

Aesop schedules jobs using the project macro. The first line of the macro description contains a list of workers' initials who deem themselves qualified to produce the jobs in the project macro. The list progresses from most competent to least proficient. Aesop, as a job scheduler, compares each set of initials against the job board until it finds an employee who has the time to complete the work in the time frame requested by the customer.

Anyone can put their initials on the project's list. The person recognizes that failure to perform profitably will eat into profits from other jobs. The initials list and self-appointment to this list play an important role in the self-determination of one's career at AESOP.

The initials list on a project macro provides gradual exposure to the newly chosen job responsibilities. As the more competent worker's time is scheduled for other projects, the new worker is assigned the new project more often.

This system benefits AESOP, the customer and the employee. No work is accepted which cannot be done. The customer will receive a better worker more often. The new employee receives experience in a gradual way rather than in a sink-or-swim fashion.

In the average company, task delegation often causes bruised egos even to the point of litigation for unfair work assignment or promotions. Aesop eliminates this employment headache. Employees vote themselves into new tasks as their profits and confidence warrant. One can grow as fast as one is profitably capable of doing. This system abolishes assignment of job responsibilities based on subjective reasons other than objective performance, e.g., after work friendship, racial prejudice and religious discrimination.

In summary, project macros are a powerful project management tool. They fulfill the following management roles:

1. Job description of the service to be provided
2. Information resource hierarchy
3. Schedule by competence
4. Resource royalty to most proficient
5. Time frame for asking questions of customer, and,
6. Record time to organize a project.

In a sense, the program is like having an expert manager as an invisible guide in successfully completing work.

Supplies: Quick and Easy

Each business has a job department called "supplies." The job modules contain information on supplies and equipment which are used or sold at AESOP. The supply system allows quick ordering of items as well as sales of items in stock. The items can be ordered in a normal or emergency fashion.

Hot Keys: Ready Answers and Acts

Hot keys are common functions needed in most activity menus. The most common is the help key which gives more information on the options listed in the menu. Others include the "Alternate" keys and the function keys. An alternate key is obtained by holding down the Alternate key and typing a letter; it is akin to the uppercase mode or function of a key. Hot keys save time and mental energy that can be used to better serve the customer.

Invoicing: Customer, Vendor and Employee

Businesses write up customer invoices for sales and receive vendor invoices for purchases. In most companies, the sales and purchasing operations are separate. At AESOP, as part of the cross-training and management skills development, each person has access to both sales and purchases through a common menu. This simplification is not without pitfalls, but programmed exclusionary rules prevent mixing sales with purchases. The simplification extends to accessing personnel, client and vendor files.

Universal Interface with Computers

All interaction with customers, vendors, employees, investors, memos and other AESOP operations (telecommunications) employ only two screens as a universal interface. This standardization eliminates having to teach people different functions and different screens. Familiarity with a minimal number of screens allows the AESOP employee to concentrate on the customer's subtle needs or the vendor's minor charges.

In terms of sales, the job modules serve to record orders, time variables, charges and profits/losses. In purchases, the same job modules assign costs in determining overhead. As a new employee serves the customer through the standardized interface of easily discernible job codes, the employee also learns purchase order processing.

Standardized Job Write-up and Delegation

Using job modules and project macros, the customer's needs are filled in a standardized way. The process promotes quick, complete and professional service. Once the customer's project has been written up a cost estimate is also ready. The deposit (50%) is computed from the estimate.

The estimate also prevents "sticker shock" when the customer comes to pick up the product. If the customer is not happy with the estimated price, then the customer won't be happy with the actual price when the project is picked up. A company should avoid any surprises that cause customer dissatisfaction.

AESOP employees know that a customer who leaves because of a high estimate eventually comes back. Customers cannot find better service and lower prices at a company that does not have the benefits of Aesop. On the other hand, a customer who feels mistreated or misinformed will be less likely to come back.

Once the customer approves the order by paying a deposit, the invoice is transferred to an In Job status. This transfer allows scheduling of jobs to qualified people, according to competency and time availability. If manhours are not available to perform the tasks in the requested time, the customer has the options of

(1) picking it up later, or,
(2) paying an overtime charge.

Either way, Aesop automatically schedules and delegates quicker than a human being, and it more accurately assesses available resources.

If higher costs are necessary, these costs are known and explained at the write-up process. Aesop's ability to schedule work prevents employee unhappiness at suddenly having to work overtime without warning because the desk managers did not realize that over-booking was occurring.

Besides scheduling and delegating the jobs, Aesop also generates filenames based on the customer's name, the invoice number, and the date due. These filenames are unique which eliminates the computer problem of two people using the same filename. The first user of the filename loses his information when the second person saves his file with the same filename. If you write a letter to John Smith in the morning and name it "Smith.Let" you will lose your letter if someone else writes a "Smith.let." By preventing these losses, Aesop ensures not only data integrity and quality but prevents co-worker anger.

Aesop has master forms for almost all projects. Master forms are standardized files for written communication, e.g., letters, resumes, envelopes, labels and business cards. Master forms provide quality in a quick fashion, frequently raising productivity by reducing re-invention of the wheel. Well-designed master forms can be modified in minor ways to be a custom communication for the customer. Aesop's forms have been repeatedly tested in many instances. They are refined to a high level for customer usefulness and satisfaction.

If an appropriate master form exists Aesop creates a new file with the contents of the master form using the unique filename. The existence of the form is designated in the job module instruction field with "Form='Master Form Name'." Thus, whenever the job module is included in a project, the needed form is not only personalized to the customer but appropriately and uniquely named. This, again, saves management time, guarantees standardized quality and helps the employee save his wits for other customer needs.

Bids: Quick, Recorded and Trackable

Companies often lose prospective customers, revenues and profits because the initial service of giving a price or bid is not quick enough. When a person needs a project completed quickly the first company with a price or bid usually receives the job. Most people do not have time to price shop in today's fast paced schedule. Most people, acting under the directions of a superior, know that the boss is interested first and foremost in the job being done with price being the second consideration. A subordinate will be fired more frequently for not fulfilling delegated responsibilities rather than for an occasional high price on completing the assignment.

Aesop's quick and easy invoicing system increases the customer base. Bids can be completed during the process of asking about the nature of the job. In addition, the bid can be printed for insertion and mailing in a window envelope. Many customers have been acquired who said that they chose AESOP because of the intelligent questions and the quick bid over the phone.

Aesop's invoicing and bidding process also allows follow-up or bid tracking. Unaccepted bids are reviewed to determine why the customer did not accept the service. Common rejection reasons are:

(a) price too high,
(b) bidder rude or cold, and
(c) bid more complex than desired (overbid).

By tracking rejected bids, Aesop can

(a) adjust its prices,
(b) train the employee and/or
(c) fine-tune the bidding project files to better determine the exact nature of the job so that it is not falsely overbid.

Tracking bids helps synchronize a business to the marketplace.

By tracking bids, one can determine the profit and pricing structure of competitors. Purchasing agents request bids from several qualified vendors, routinely calling the same vendors. By tracking bids and noting who had a lower price, one can adjust the profit margin to consistently realize more earnings: better to win numerous bids with a reduced profit margin than to win none with a high margin.

If one finds a competitor who consistently wins bids at a profit margin that one cannot match, this is an opportunity to investigate the production of a more efficient company. Occasionally one will lose a bid to a competitor who erroneously underbids with no profit. If the competitor continues to do this, he will go out of business. One should not underbid unprofitable competitors. Rather, one should note competitors who constantly have lower prices and investigate how they bid low and still stay in business.

Job Activity

The tedium of accurately billing for one's time and knowledge in solving a problem is reduced by the "Activity" option of the invoicing program. By typing "B" the selected job is begun; "F" finishes the job. "S" suspends a job.

Special activity keys are for Learning, Educating, Desk, and Phone. These initiate a suspension of the current job and create an entry for the special activity.

Informational feedback keys in the "Activity" menu include View, Move, Duplicate, and Delete. With View, one can quickly change the view of the job to Management (profits/loss), Work (time frames) or Customer (minimal information).

A point drilled into AESOP'ers is how people don't benefit from their creativity and insights because they fail to record the idea for further reflection. The "lost idea" phenomenon occurs, in part, because people lack easy means for recording the thought. Whenever one is working on a job, a single keystroke allows one to record a thought about the job. Aesop is designed to allow a person to record a thought to be reviewed later by oneself or others. This idea can be stored in memos, newsletters or telecommunications.

Some companies have monthly suggestion competitions for tapping employees' intelligence and insights. The ease of idea accumulation at AESOP gives it an advantage over these companies.

The paperless office has been a dream for a long time. Aesop's approach to managing individuals and information through fingertip productivity is a step in that direction. The management, administration, inventory and storage costs are reduced or eliminated in many cases. Custom forms from laser printers eliminate the need to order and stock checks, invoices and receipts.

Function Keys and Multitasking

The database or library of information resides in a central computer connected to the computers on a network. The central computer is known as a fileserver, and the other computers are workstations. The computers are multi-tasking, that is, they process more than one task at a time. The primary task is running Aesop software. The secondary task is the production of billable services or goods for the customer. In just two keystrokes, less than a second, a person can switch between management and production.

Like most application software, e.g., word processing, Aesop's management software has specialized areas. In word processing software, one can quickly switch between printing mode and editing mode. AESOP's software has a report manager, a time clock, a telecommunication program and other productivity tools. Each of these modes can be activated by a few simple keystrokes.

Time Clock

The objective, quantified bottom line of each employee's performance is the final gauge of a person's worth at AESOP (and in reality). To assist in maximizing performance, Aesop has a computerized time clock. An ideal worker does not need a time clock to record prompt attendance, appropriate breaks or needed lunches. While employees at AESOP are better than average and don't need a time clock as much as employees at other companies do, Aesop's time clock provides a needed guiding function, especially for new employees. A time clock keeps honest people honest.

The time clock can be accessed from any terminal. One need only enter one's initials and type a function, e.g., start, break, lunch and end to have the times recorded. These times interface with the payroll program to save time and to reduce costs. Therefore there is no need for a payroll clerk.

The end of shift clock function also initiates the generation of the Daily Performance Log and Profit Profile. The daily log records activities for the day. It shows levels of profitability and proficiency. The profit profile shows where profits derive during the month and suggests where time should be directed. It assists in maximizing profits, raises and ownership.

Monthly raises and stock ownership are not determined solely by dollars. Optimal progress requires a balanced profit picture in management of jobs, projects, office, resource and expansion. Thus, at the end of each shift, one has a picture of daily and overall performance. This information helps structure one's workday for maximum earnings.

The daily log has the following columns. Subtotals and totals are listed at the bottom.

Invoice Business Area Service Started Time Charge Cost P/L Hourly

The Invoice column tells for whom the service was performed. Business, Area and Service describe the action. Started and Time columns telling when it started and how long it lasted. Charge and Cost show the basic bookkeeping entries. P/L represents the absolute profit/loss. Hourly is an adjustment of the profit/loss amount to an hourly rate based on the time spent on the job.

The hourly P/L is the bottom line for each activity. Through it, each employee can gauge their strengths and weaknesses. The Hourly P/L is a motivational tool for the employee and is a performance evaluator for the company.

Status Board: Current Actions

AESOP has a computerized status board to indicate on-going activity. At any one moment, employees are engaged in some activity. Each time that a person's activity changes, the status board is updated. This allows co-workers to assess availability of resources without having to interrupt other employee's activities.

If you need help, you don't have to randomly start asking each person what they are doing and how much free time they have. You can review the status board to find a person who is free or who is on a secondary activity. This benefits the worker who dislikes unnecessary interruptions when concentrating on their work. This eliminates the need for a manager who must know what everyone is doing so as to pair two workers together when one needs help.

The status board records when people are not in the office as well as when they will return: shift ends, vacation periods or emergency absences. In addition, it is a message bulletin board for indicating if a person is available for calls or to whom calls are limited. Like all activity interactions, the status board uses the universal interface that is common to all job listings.

Electronic Job Board

As work is scheduled, completed and invoiced, an electronic job board records the job load. The job board is consulted when work is scheduled to find a person who has the time and competence necessary to do the work.

Telecommunications: Interoffice Problem-solving

Compared to the average business, each AESOP office has a greater knowledge base of information for solving problems. Sometimes, however, a piece of information cannot be found. Or, a customer's needs or problems simply are solved at another operation, e.g., printing. With standardized telecommunications, one can access the resources of other offices. In addition, one can send suggestions for review to senior levels of resource development.

If a work order or invoice is telecommunicated to another location, Aesop creates a purchase order for payment. These purchases are processed on a daily basis for interoffice account settling. The summarized invoice and a check is sent to the higher level for processing and distribution through the system. The routing of funds is keyed to the ten-character code that indicates the position within the AESOP hierarchy. A payment migrates through the hierarchy until it finds the operation where it matches and pays the invoice.

A strength of the system is this automatic intra-office bookkeeping and payment of services rendered. Besides payments and order requests, the accounting for Lifehours* of stock ownership is automatically distributed in this manner.

History of Activity

The history utility program is a powerful tool for creating a report on employees, vendors, customers, businesss and jobs. The fields for qualifying the history report are as follows:

Employee ... Contact ... Start Date ... End Date ... Enterprise
Business ... Job Department ... Area ... Service

Like all Aesop interactions, the created report is accessed through the universal report interface.

The history utility allows review of a customer, an employee, or a vendor, in whole or in part, within any time frame. The program reviews all daily logs of activities to create the report.

Index to Aesop's Information

The jobs and forms, which have indexed entries, are analyzed automatically on a weekly basis (or manually on a daily basis) to create an index of the whole knowledge base. The list of indexed words are paired with their source files, modules, forms, or documents. With this list, one can find further information by accessing the files.

Summary: More Problems Solved Faster

Aesop's fingertip productivity improves an employee's problem management. By reducing the frustration in accessing information and accounting for time, the employee has more mental energy to produce quality work. By reducing the time between problem definition and solution, the individual manages more complex problems before reaching his threshold of frustration. Aesop reduces the needed quality of knowledge in mind by having it quickly in hand. In other words, Aesop makes good people better and brings out the best in all.

The AESOP process trains people to become individual risk-takers by providing a clear progressive career path with the risk and rewards spelled out. This is another instance of capitalism per capita. Capitalists have traditionally been regarded as risk-takers. By encouraging increased risk-taking (at solving problems, not gambling) AESOP engenders a problem-freer world for one and all.

Besides facilitating the flow of work with time saving and knowledge enhancing tools, Aesop simultaneously encourages a higher level of motivation. Please recall how the true profit or loss in any human activity is the time difference between time wasted by an unsolved problem and the time required to solve it. When compensation for solving human problems is matched with the actual time savings then people will be maximally motivated. More problems will be solved. When overpayment and underpayment occurs, problems will not be solved optimally.

Most businesses have low productivity because they don't compensate their employees what they are worth in solving problems. This compensation is more than pay. It includes promotions and recognition. At AESOP, an employee's professional growth is rewarded for recognizing and conquering larger and larger problems. Individuals growth on the job benefits the community as a whole, for non-business crises are prevented and reduced.

Fingertip productivity uses a standardized organization of information and a fast software program. This computerized periodic table of existence can be tapped to solve old problems faster. Aesop decreases the time and knowledge needed to define and solve problems. Aesop unlocks the jigsaw puzzle of time and problems behind human life.

Many problems remain unsolved: the effort to document and define them doesn't seem worthwhile. Fingertip productivity facilitates the solution of more problems by giving needed anwers quickly.

Warning: Anyone found stealing lifehours will be forever banned from participation in and rewards of Better Democracy and Capitalism.


Quality Control Tools for Higher iCube ... Frog Leaping.
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