Work Essay Index

Workhogs, thank you for helping kill life on earth

A workhog is a person who works longer each week than is the optimal workweek for the given economy. By not letting the unemployed work, you are metastasizing the problems that will cost you more than the extra dollars from the extra hours that you hog. By not letting the unemployed work because of your workhogging, you have given the un- and under-employed to tell you the same thing you are telling them: You cannot work as much as want because you have told them that they cannot work as much as the need let alone as much as they want. The problems are increasing rates of inflation, insurance, taxes and crime. Your choice: Share job time or jobless crime.

See  Are You A Workhog? ... 24 in 4

Quality Control Tools for Higher iCube ... Frog Leaping.
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