Trees Dying: Fall Colors Color Death
In the coal mining, canary birds were kept in the mines to warn of bad air. Before miners die from insufficient oxygen, the canaries will stop chirping, lying dead in the bottom of the cage. As atmospheric carbon dioxide levels increase, one can see the canary early warning in the health of the trees about us. The dire state of trees has been noted and questioned in the academic and media community:
Compounding the trees dying by themselves is mankind's destroying the forests: World loses trees at 'alarming' rate.
As noted within Frequency Resonance Quagmires, rising CO2 levels alter the availability of water to plants by forming clusters of water around CO2 molecules which are too big for some plants to absorb moisture from the atmosphere. An analogy is the choosing between a quart of apple sauce or a bushel of whole apples to feed a three month-old baby. As a baby can't eat a whole apple nor can plants easily "digest" the CO2/H2O FRQ.
An interesting relationship was noted in the FRQ thesis, that is, the less evolved plants benefit from the FRQ's while the more evolved plants are not able to handle the consequences of rising CO2 levels. The reason is simple. Over millions of years the level of CO2 decreased from the Carboniferous period with plants evolving which grew slower than the common ferns of that era 400 million years agol. The more evolved plants, e.g., hardwood trees and grains, evolved in a world that had lower levels of CO2 while the more primitive plants maintain their ability to absorb water. The membranes of primitive plants are more permeable to the FRQs than the evolved, slower growing plants.
This analysis of plants and evolution is borne out by observation of the vegetation which prompted the conclusion that the Fall color change is not normal and uniform. Rather, the nature of the color change shows that some kinds of trees, some trees and some branches are dying. In Fall of 2006, this writer observed and photographed some instances of color changes that support this analysis. (Please note that these examples were numerous, not isolated. Look at any pictures that of fall color changes. While some have commented to me that they have noted differences in the color changes, you will notice them more if you are looking for them.)
And, of course, diseased trees are the fodder of forest fires. A vicious event that metastasises a vicious cycle: Trees that absorb CO2 are burned up which puts more CO2 in the atmosphere. This analysis of trees is one of the reasons that this writer has concluded that global warming is no more having been replaced by global dying. Within three to five years of 2006, the biomass will fail, causing global famine with a 90% Depopulation of humanity. How and when nine out of ten humans die in the next ten years will determine whether the other 10% and the rest of life on earth survive or also dies. As noted after the pictures is how leaves from which the leaves do not fall are unhealthy trees.
These photos show a pine tree which, this fall, has some branches dying and changing sooner while some branches remain healthy. | ![]() |
Same tree, closeup of top, so you can see the healthy and dead branches. | ![]() |
Primitive plants versus evolved plants: This photograph not only shows a dying long-needled pine (cener) but shows a healthy short-needled pine (to the right). Which is more evolved, long-needled or short-needled pine is liking which is longer, a child when he is five or when he is fifteen? (This pine tree is not the same one in the above picture.) |
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Branches, dying and healthy. The dark green are the healthy branches with the color-changed branches being the stressed, unhealthy branches. Note the tree on the next island which has changed uniformly, either uniformly healthy or uniformly dead. | ![]() |
Another tree in a field which has the mangy color change of a dying tree. Green branches are healthy while the colored branches are stressed and unhealthy. | ![]() |
Another tree among other trees, part of the tree is green and the other is colored. | ![]() |
This photograph shows three trees of the same specie that are within ten feet of each other. The third tree is behind, rising above the green, healthy tree on the right. Both the behind tree and left tree are unhealthy, stressed tree compared to the tree on the right is green and healthy. Note the sparseness of leaves on the branches of the tree on the left. (A few years ago you would not been able to see these trees for there was at that time a tree of the same specie with a five-foot trunk which removed because it was dying.) |
A sign of an unhealthy tree is the presence of leaves hanging in the middle of winter. Normally, when the season begins to change, the angle of the suns rays trigger a chemical process that releases an enzyme that dissolves the ligaments that bind the leaves to the tree. These ligaments are very strong, for they have evolved to keep a leave attached to a tree during high winds. After a storm, you find more leaves on the ground attached to branches that have broken off than lying about as individual leaves that have not flexed and bent with the wind. Evolutionarily, trees that had weak bonds between leaves and branches did not live to pass on their genetic pool.
If the tree is unhealthy, the enzyme is not produced so the leave-tree ligament is not dissolved so the leaves remain on the tree through out the winter. Consider how if you cut of a branch and throw it on a brush pile, the leaves will wither and die but not fall off of the dead branch. It takes a few years for dead leaves on dead trees to be finally weakened and blown off by the wind.
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