Lifehour Rail Fee
The student fee for the 28-day lifehour circuit is pro-rated to the value of the wage-hour in the his economic unit where you live (not where you board the train). If the fee was set in dollars, it would be more expensive for the motivated, intelligent child living in an economically depressed area while cheap for a teenager living in New York. If the fee was $1000 and the average hourly wage is $10 then a person would have to work 100 hours. If the hourly wage is $50, then a person would only have to work 20 hours.
A goal of the rail project is to bring together future problem-solvers. Disciminating against leaders from low-income areas is no way to optimize future problem-solving. Currency discrimination is a leading cause of why the world is working less and less. If the motivated, intelligent minds from the de-privilegd areas are excluded from the opportunities to be better problem-solvers then they will become the intelligent, motivated agents of resentful, justified terrorism.
The Student Rail circuit can bring the need for currency reform to the attention of current and future public policy-makers. One of the global institutionalized economic cancers is a dysfunctional currency system.
Consider the person who builds a house in a high income area, sells it and moves to a low income area where he is able to buy three or four similar houses. The real cost of a house is the time it takes to build it, the accumulation of human time at each step in the production of the items assembled in the final product. If you spend 10,000 hours building a house which sells for $500,000 the lifehour value is $50. If you use that sales money to buy four equivalent houses that took 10,000 hours each to build in an area with a lower cost of living, you have taken, not created, 30,000 lifehours because of dysfunctional currencies.
Because currencies are not exchanged at lifehour value, the inequities allow some people to get more time by trading overvalue items for undervalued items in other economic systems. No better critique of economists captures this assessment than "Economists know the price of everything but the value of nothing."
Economists have failed to formulate a currency system based on the lifehour value of wage-earners. Monetarism is the greatest source of legal theivery ever devised. Consequently, they have fostered international paper playing. The paper symbols of work are traded wherein the players extract value from the workers. The worst private example of this are the Nobel Laureates behind Long-Term Capital Management (LTCM) where billions are traded each second. Wealth extraction occurs in as a little as a quarter of a cent on a million-dollar paper play. If idle minds are the workshops of the devil then adled minds are the workshops of economists.
Consider the necrotic effects of the Euro, the European Unions currency attempt at preventing wars by attempting economic interdependence through a common currency. Europe's economic interpendence will be evidenced as the members' economies decline together under the weight of a dysfunctional currency. A good example is how Poland has seen its plumbers leave to work in France which causes French plumbers to be un-employed. Are more problems solved with this currency? No. As the US has imposed monetary colonialism on the world by running deficits with the de facto global currency so are the larger european economies (Germany and France) able to monetarily colonize the smaller, less developed countries. Not only are plumbers moving to France but so are prostitutes.
A perfect currency would recognize and fulfill the origin of the word currency, "What is your time currently worth." The real value of one's time is the time created or saved when one solves a problem. If one creates two hours of time savings for each hour worked, then one has a current lifehour value of two. Oppositely, if one wastes two hours for each hour of life, one has a negative two value. In this simple uniting of symbols of time with the subtance of time, one has a moral currency that creates more time. A moral currency economicly implements and quantifies whether one is part of the problem (time-loser) or part of the solution (time-creater). The global dysfunctional currency system is immoral as it institutionalizes less and less real problem-solving.
A question among the adled minds of economists is how to establish exhange rates. Floats have been one option with manipulation being the purvey of corrupt fiancial bureaucrats. There is a simple, logical and objective way to establish the value of currency for an economic unit based on the cost of living.
The cost of living is the amount of time it takes to work to earn the necessities of life to live. The funny numbers on funny paper not only don't matter but can be misleading. Compared to their parents, few people don't have more funny numbers in their paycheck, savings, retirement and house. Yet, how many people felt as comfortable as their parents in these areas? The cost of living should not be confused with nor merged with the cost of was which the amount of time people work to buy things they don't need to live which they waste.
Would you rather be a dime an hour worker with bread costing a penny a loaf or a million dollar an hour worker with bread costing a billion dollars? Over the years, workers have settled for more symbols of wealth while having less and less wealth. consider 401k to 1980. As wages have creeped up, a false sense of progress ignored the fact that the amount of worktime was increasing for the old standard of living. Kids have more money than Mom and Dad but less retirement and insurance. Igknowantly, each generation has traded the freedom of more time for more symbols of time.
A better currency system
The cost of living is not funny numbers on funny paper. The cost of living is how much time a person has to work in order to acquire the necessities of life. The mathematical model for determining the value of a lifehour is simple: Divide the number of needed lifehours into 24 to arrive at the lifehour value of that economic unit.
If one must work 12 hours, the lifehour value is 2;
if one must work 6 hours, the value is 4;
if one must work 2 hours then the lifehour value is 12.
The progress of history has really been, unrecognized in an honest currency, the increase in the value of the lifehour. The symbols of our current time value--currency, what is your time currently worth--have not been married to the substance of our time. This symbol\substance divorce has allowed people to steal by symbol playing, e.g., LTCM. The inflationary impact of this legal thievery has been magnified by the money hiring motivated minds away from producing needed goods and services. Each person that goes to Wall Street to be a financial bureaucrat playing with paper is a lost doctor, teacher, or engineer that could lower the cost of living.
In summary, the fee for a student to circuit is set in lifehours of their economic unit. The number of lifehours, initially, is 40. Thus, a kid in a poor southern congressional district will with an hourly wage of $7 would pay $280 while a Parasite Hilton from rich distict with an hourly wage of $40 would pay $1600.
Some might say one is payinng more than the other. My response is the critic has an inferior, fragmented morality compared to the morality of more time--see Threads of Time in the Fabric of Life. We would not need Pell Grants and Block Grants if we had an honest currency system to stop the overvalued economic units from colonizing and draining the undervalued economic areas. Pell and Block grants are nothing more than returning some of the time legally stolen by dysfunctional currency. There would be less need for foreign aid if our world had an honest currency that implemented the better capitalism of capitalism per capita in which the time created or destroyed by one's head (capita) was quantified in an honest currency.