Downloadable Ballot: A Timistic Clutter Cutter
The world's election and voting systems can be simplified via on-line
downloadable ballots that are not without precedence. The cost of voting
can be reduced by 99% with the integrity of voting approaching 100% with
an automatic trinity of integrity to provide three
parallel simulataneous and separate counts to reduce fraud.
On-line database of all world-wide
elective offices. Many news services offer dynamic listing of political office
holders for a web visitor by the visitor simply entering one's zip code.
Many states offer political districts for state residents by entering one's
street addresses. It is only a small step to make these databases into not
only listing of office holders but of office-seekers so that the web visitor
can receive a personalized ballot of candidates with the candidate's website.
Below are examples of current "almost" downloadable ballots.
Click on the newspaper name for the actual page.
Public examples of what downloadable ballots might look
like--click on the below
World wide downloadable ballots already have a global structure
and monitor--see Interneational Foundation
for Election Systems (IFES). It has created de facto "almost"
ballots democracy's
front door (primaries) and backdoor (general elections)--see
democracy. Eventually, the commonality of GPS
downloadable ballots will be as widespread as the Weather
links that are found on almost all newspaper
websites--enter your Zipcode and get a map of
your weather. Hopefully, we will be able to
do something about politics even if we can't do anything
about the weather.
(The question of what to do with old computers is simple: Donate them to
countries to use for on-line elections! Let America's number #1 export be
better democracy and capitalism!)
GPS code (8-character) for all
worldwide elective offices.
Using the first 4 characters in a base 36 coding, one has 36*36*36*36
possibilities or 1.6 million elective localities, more than are present in
the world. The next character indicates the nature of the election, e.g., |
An example of how the GPS is already being used on the internet,
click on the below IFES map |
E for education
J for justice
L for legislation
M for media
P for presiders
R for referendum.
The last three characters could be for distinctions for different offices,
e.g., Upper or Lower Legislative house. In particular, visit Montana
in which its 2000 candidate list was converted
into a simple timistic clutter cutter ballot.
Which looks more efficient and effective? Which looks like it would
kill a flock of birds--not just two--with one stone? Which could cut
the cost of elections by 99% with near-zero fraud?
If the reader reviews the
20,000 brain bees
(public/private, local>global), the reader can get the sense that
a "DNA of decision-making" has been created for human policy-making.
Anytime, anywhere
ballot request based on GPS code or Postal code--see
Timistic Clutter Cutter Ballot
... home church foodstore school. As this writer reviews the China
Daily and People's Daily (among many newspapers) on daily basis,
so could one review and test the downloadable ballots from around the world.
What counts is the hard copy processed on election day at the polls by the
trinity of integrity.
Dynamic ballot based on entry
of GPS or Postal code, see above listing.
On-Line Ballot Master Wanted: is willing to sign a contract with a major media outlet or IFES
to establish a world-wide database for downloadable ballots. Payment will
be cost plus a half cent per downloaded ballot. Potential minimum clicks:
6 billion per year, one per human. FedEx a letter of interest to
Entry Elements on ballot consists
of a simple listing:
Entries prioritized
by number of people represented by the office.
Testing and re-testing on-line
without permanent record to prevent mis-votes.
Paranoia Prevention: To allay
any fears that someone is recording your test votes, test the ballot
more than once, voting for candidates other than the ones for whom you intend
to vote.
Bootcamp Hell Day: For two reasons,
polling booths are reminiscent of military bootcamp first day--a hell day..
You have to hurry up in order to wait in lines--this is not the case with
the pre-marked timistic ballot.
Bootcamp hell day has you trying to stay on top of different issues and
individuals. Like wise with current voting procedures. One is expected to
know the general's names and positions, the line officers and the NCOs as
well as whether or not you can study for the urine test. With the timistic
ballot, one can methodically consider each candidate in the weeks between
the primary and general election, marking, unmarking and remarking the downloaded
ballot which can be saved on one's computer. Furthermore, one can create
a folder on each office and observe the
Surf Wisely: Read the whole page before
reviewing links procedures when review a candidate's website.
Print or handmark ballots for
delivery to polling place--see Minneapolis 2001.
Scanning uses a simple, downloadable
program that uses GPS coding to differentiate offices. The writer has since
the 1980's written several scan programs that will work on any scanner or
computer. As a printer, his firm printed millions of pharmaceutical research
forms that were scanned in after completion by the researchers. It's a
Trinity of integrity voting teams: Integrity
Sine Qua Non
Voting places will have one or more trinity of integrity teams. Each trinity
consists of three computer/scanners teams: Registrar, Media and Watchdog.
When the voter shows up with his pre-marked ballot, he scans it in order
with each team. A team member writes the time on the back of the ballot.
Total time at the poll per voter will be less than the current time where
the voter shows up, marks the ballot and then submits to the registrars.
Not only is this process faster but three parallel tracks of votes are kept
to ensure the integrity of the vote. No more registrars stealing elections!
Because voters are able to put a random number on the ballot and ballots
are time stamped before being listed on the internet, individuals can check
to see if their ballot was processed properly. The voter keeps the ballot.
If a vote is not statistically significant, three sets of data are immediately
available for decisions.If the tallies by the voter registrar, newspaper
and poll watchers differ more than a certain percentage, a recount is made
after the randomly numbered ballots are sorted in order by each group
with the re-count being a tally ballot by ballot in order with a QC when
the tally differs. In this case, tabulated resorts are posted on the
internet sorted by the random numbers so the voter can qc the process.
We must eliminate the quiet time wherein voter registrars outside of the
public eye stuff, steal, share, and erase the voters' intent.
Volunteer compensation:
Members of the teams of voting integrity can either receive a college tuition
credit or they can credit their polling duty to their jury duty. With better
voting, we will need fewer juries. Random teams are selected using the brain
bee process so as to eliminate collusion from the same election judges
repeatedly getting together at each election for the thrill of playing
God by stealing the human rights. Too many election judges have alterred
the final votes to reflect the greater wisdom of the compassion
conservatives to direct the affairs of those those not born in the upper
class with white skin.
New registrars can focus on the
voter rights not voting theft--Why
and how.
Brain Bee Interface: The database
can interface with the on-line
spelling bees to provide zero-cost, zero-corruption.
Summary: With this simple, efficient,
effective and inexpensive process,
the latest technology is available on voting day,
automatic cross checking for quality control is present,
the next generation of voters is involved, protected and rewarded,
money goes into education rather than the corporate pockets of the
If America wants on-line voting, here is a virtually free system with open
code! [Motor Vehicle Registration. Local registrars are expensive redundant
thieves.] The only cost is the termination of existing voter registrar staff
to honor the
Voter Registrar Staff, Virginia State Board of Elections and the 2000
Presidential Registrars. Replacements will come through the on-line
Global Democracy.
Solutions are simple until the politicians introduce the complexity of getting
something for nothing for their campaign-bribers. The
riggers will never implement efficient, effective election or vote reform.
Political promises are no better than the promises of drug, healthcare or
energy dealers.
This working system is ready to go. How soon do you want fair, free elections?
Just signup and encourage friends to test the system.