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(Certified mail and return postcard)
Re: Documentation for Federal lawsuit under Equal
Protection Clause of 14th Amendment to US Constitution
Dear Mayor Stoney,
Are you color blind? That is, are you a mayor of
all Richmonders or of just black Richmonders?
When Doug Wilder went from a state senator of
a black district to the Virginia governorship, he became and acted as a Governor
of all Virginians. I was proud of him and bragged on him all over the US and
Canada in my travels.
Can you say the same of yourself from the Richmond
Mayoral Office? Do you judge people by the color of their skin or the
content of their character?
I also bragged on how Gov. Wilder posted
in the administrative section of the Governor's Mansion the "Work
Ethic" poster composed by students in my 1980s "Work
Ethic School." Instead of spending $7000-$9000 to travel world-wide, I spent
the money on some inner-city kids to keep them out of trouble. They learned
typing and word processing and improved math and English.
Last summer on the Potterfield Bridge, a black man
asked if I was me and thereafter thanked me for 30 years ago teaching him the
work ethic. He cited it as a key reason why he was a manager in a large
information system organization. The greatest
gift is the work ethic which is the key to happiness on-and-off of the job.
If you teach self-esteem, you affirm a person for a day. If you teach the
work ethic, you affirm a person for a lifetime ... provided you allow and
require one to work.
Anne Street Crowjimism, that is, reverse
discrimination by black police and black officials for my black 401 Bland
I know of no single "helping others" action by
my nasty, petty, racist neighbors to help others. Quite to the contrary, I
have videos of child abuse, drug transactions, alcohol abuse, street littering,
profanity and brother abuse. The latter is always sad. Betty Ann Brown takes in
her crippled, feeble-minded brother Bud for 30 days to get a public support
check, e.g., 140201.
Boom. Thirty days are up and Bud is put on the street like
a bag of trash. More than once, I have heard
Tonjia screaming at her uncle, and worse, at the kids taken in for dollars.
More than once, despite needing a place to stay, Bud
Took off with a handicapped Tonjia in slow pursuit. [I took
perverse pleasure in the tormented kids being children of crowjimming RPD LIOs.]
More than once, I have driven pushed-out Bud to Southside Plaza and given
him $5 for a meal.
[Please note I am not a video voyeur but an inconvenienced neighbor
triggered into recording events because of loud car radios and loud screaming
women. Also, recall all the
things I did for them before being called a thief and their calling another
neighbor a "white bitch."]
It galls
my testicular accessaries that lying Betty Ann Brown
and Tonjia Baker (because of CrowJimism) can and have wrap black police around
their fingers because I am an old white man. In about 2013, at Crossroads
Coffee, a female RPD LIO (who I do not recall ever seeing before) came up to me
and said, "You should treat Mrs. Brown better. She never asked you to do any of
those things." [Wow! Liar, liar house on fire. Give me a firetrucking break:
This is too bizarre and convoluted for comment, pregnant with implied
conversations, volcanic in RPD LIOs judging and convicting me without benefit of
I hate being mistreated, especially in ways that
encourage nasty neighbors to flip
me the bird, do the "kiss my ass" boody shake, and lie about me. RPD
repeatedly made this mistreatment a near daily reality for me by co-enabling
Betty Ann Brown to think she was above the written law, e.g., I
don't need no fucking police. Please recall my admiration for Doug Wilder as
a public servant. Then and now, it has nothing to do with skin color but content
of character.
MLK's "Content of character" is not a part of black
racism. With CrowJimism, a white person is guilty with no chance of being proven
innocent ... Jim Crow in a new mode ... Kafka, "The Trial."
As is, no one who is in a position to stop my being
a victim of unequal protection under the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution
has done anything. If anything is done, I am left in the blind. Will you, Mayor
Stoney? Or, are you a CrowJimmer in heart and mind instead of being a fair,
impartial public official?
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I have asked
by email
and certified mail for your Director of Public Works, Mr. Bobby Vincent, Jr., to
provide copies of work order documents as well as answer certain questions. He
has not responded in the seven-day window requested--ten days as of
Does CrowJimism extend into the Mayor's
Office? In my forthcoming Federal lawsuit,
Mayor Stoney, do you want to be defendant, witness or bystander? Please
respond by noon, Wednesday, January 17, 2018.
Violation of Robert S. Barnett's Equal Rights Protection
under 14th Amendment to U.S. Constitution (Date is
URL of email message where applicable and appropriate.)
Violation/ Denial Duration
Violations due to CrowJimism: Reverse
Discrimination ... black racial profiling of whites. Salvation